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  • Are those Leghorns or another breed? Whatever breed they are, I love them. That chicken in the back is like, "Ooh, a camera!"
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    Reactions: JewelBirds
    They are Leghorn mixes. Their father is my rooster Caramel who is also a mix. They definitely take after their Leghorn mothers in looks though lol. Much more mellow than the typical Leghorn, so take after Caramel more so in personality. Haha yeah, while taking the photo I was so surprised at how well they were posing. I have a few others from that same day, but this one was by far my favorite
    Grandma The Chicken
    Grandma The Chicken
    My Leghorns can't even stand still for one second to get a photo! They have to be eating or in the coop on their beds.
    Yeah that's most of my chickens 😂 The Leghorn girls especially, they're just always up to something.
    You should enter your avatar photo in to the calander contest!
    Thank you for the suggestion :) I have thought about it, however, my pictures do not meet the height/width pixel requirement to enter. Perhaps with a new camera I could one day enter it with a different but similar photo.
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