Recent content by Jordan Kerry

  1. J

    Gender guessing for cross breeds!

    they looks so cute especially the orange one XD
  2. J

    5ish week old babies, thoughts on gender?

    I didn't reach that level of experience yet :he
  3. J

    9 week black australorp

    there can be variation within breeds and individual chickens. Also, some breeds develop certain gender traits earlier or more distinctly than others
  4. J

    Give me your educated guesses :)

    In many cases, males tend to develop larger and redder combs earlier than females.
  5. J

    Day 22 under Silkie. None have pipped! I candled and I think I see movement. Will they live?!

    At day 22, some chicken eggs may not have pipped yet, and that is not uncommon. The hatching process can vary, and not all eggs will hatch simultaneously. Some eggs might be a little delayed in their development, but that doesn't necessarily mean they won't hatch successfully.
  6. J

    Trying to Hatch Eggs from Deceased Hen...

    It's important to remember that not all eggs will successfully hatch. Some eggs might not be fertilized, while others might experience early-stage mortality. During the incubation process, you may notice some eggs not showing signs of development or even discoloration. It's best to give them...
  7. J

    my eggs are grey.. are they ok?

    The dark gray color and the presence of a large air sac might indicate that the embryo stopped developing at an early stage. This could be due to various reasons, such as genetic abnormalities, improper storage, or incubation conditions.
  8. J

    Help with new chicks not going into run

    Make the outdoor area inviting: Ensure that the run is clean, secure, and comfortable for the hens. Provide them with fresh bedding or substrate, and make sure there are no potential hazards or predators in the area. Adding some perches, branches, or hiding spots can make it more appealing for...
  9. J

    Day 25, not pipped but still alive

    Day 25 is quite late considering the typical incubation period for most poultry species is around 21 days.
  10. J

    Lots of Raccoon’s

    Using live traps to catch and relocate raccoons and possums is a good temporary solution to mitigate the immediate threat to your birds. Make sure to relocate them to a suitable location far enough away from your property to reduce the chances of them finding their way back.
  11. J

    Air Cell with Half-Circle Attached

    Monitoring the internal pipping of the chick and ensuring it has access to air is crucial. When the chick is ready to hatch, it will internally pip, which means it will make a small hole in the eggshell to begin breathing air. Normally, this would occur in the air cell area. However, with a...
  12. J


    they look so cute
  13. J

    Why are they constantly screaming?

    It's likely due to the breeding season. I have a neighbor that has the same issue he told me that will stop after the breeding season. he told me that will be a persistent period after it but it's not like before
  14. J

    Funniest Picture, Joke, Meme or Video You’ve Seen. 🥴

    respect for them and their families they fought for freedom and peace.
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