Recent content by juliemcummings

  1. juliemcummings

    Coop & Run Maintenance - No Chickens for the winter

    Unfortunately I am giving my chickens away, I know it won’t be long before I am itching for more, is there anything special I need to do to "winterize" the coop if there are no chickens? or anything I should do to the run while there are no chickens to make sure it is in good shape for future hens?
  2. juliemcummings

    How to tell if you have an egg eater if you can't be home to watch?

    I’m pretty sure I have an egg eater because I have seen a significant drop in the number of eggs I’m getting. The problem is I’m not home during the day to collect the eggs right away. This also means I’m not home to watch and see who is eating the eggs. Any suggestions?
  3. juliemcummings

    My Chickens aren't laying in the nesting boxes

    They come and go from the coop without a problem, but none of the eggs are in the nesting boxes.
  4. juliemcummings

    My Chickens aren't laying in the nesting boxes

    I have 4 chickens that area about 1 year 7 months and 6 that are about 7 months, I never had a problem with the older chickens and when the young ones first started laying then had no problem either, but right around day light savings and when It started getting colder they started laying...
  5. juliemcummings

    problem with not laying in the nesting boxes

    I have 7 hens who free range, I never had problems with them laying in the nesting boxes until about 2 weeks ago. My boyfriend found a couple eggs in the woods and I figured that maybe they were just too far from the boxes and didn’t make it back, then I went from getting 6-7 eggs a day to a few...
  6. juliemcummings

    Losing weight, pale comb and waddle. I think She is sick Help!

    She still seems sick, does anyone have any suggestions?
  7. juliemcummings

    Losing weight, pale comb and waddle. I think She is sick Help!

    I have 8 chickens - 9 month old, and one of my Dominique chickens seems sick, she is smaller than the other chickens, her comb seems smaller than the other Dominique and her comb and waddle look pale. My boyfriend thought he felt a lump in her throat but I couldn’t feel it. Non the less I was...
  8. juliemcummings

    shell-less I doing something wrong?

    yesterday after work I noticed that one of my hens was quiet and isolated from the rest of the group, she was standing still for a long time and as I approached her she squatted and laid an egg right in the middle of the yard. She immediate turned around and pecked at has a really under...
  9. juliemcummings

    is there any way to tell if a hen has started laying?

    Thats a good idea... my boyfriends has one of those motion cameras that would work, but I'm more interested in making sure there aren't any that are laying in the woods instead of the nesting boxes...I think I'm going to just have to keep them in the coop for a few days.
  10. juliemcummings

    is there any way to tell if a hen has started laying?

    Its funny that you mention they all lay brown, because when I got home yesterday one of the eggs looks like it has a purple tint...I wonder which one its from and if it will always lay this color????
  11. juliemcummings

    is there any way to tell if a hen has started laying?

    I have 8 hens all about 22 weeks old, I know at least a few of them are laying as Im getting aprox. 5 eggs each day. But I can't tell if they have all started to lay. Should I be getting 1 egg a day for each hen? I have: 2 road Island Reds (I've seen them lay) 2 Cinnamon queen 2 Golden Lace...
  12. juliemcummings

    Feeder location??

    Right now I have a 2 gallon feeder that I bought from a supply store but I would like to make a larger one so I don't have to refill so often, I've seen a bunch of ideas on the feeder, but I was wondering if the feeder needs to be in the coop or can I just have it in the run? so far I've had it...
  13. juliemcummings

    I got my 1st egg and now I haven't gotten any that normal?

    Yes this is her 1st egg and non of the other have started laying yet they are about 18-19 weeks old.
  14. juliemcummings

    I got my 1st egg and now I haven't gotten any that normal?

    I have 8 hens and they free range, I noticed one of them in the coop making a lot of noise by her self, I noticed there was what looked like and undeveloped egg but the later that day The same hen was back in there and when I went out to check there was a little egg. that was 2 days ago and now...
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