Recent content by kewpiecakes

  1. kewpiecakes

    Chicken water nipples reviews?

    To keep them from freezing, I have a shut off valve on the PVC pipe between the water tank and the pipe with the nipples. If the weather is freezing I just open the valve enough to let it drip. I also have the water tank insulated. This keeps it from freezing and from developing slime since...
  2. kewpiecakes

    Enlarged Crop!

    I gave my chick some minced up strawberry and now his crop is large. I didn't give him grit. I thought the strawberry pieces were tiny and soft. He is acting normal. Please tell me I didn't kill my baby! If I get him some grit tomorrow will that be soon enough?
  3. kewpiecakes

    How do I raise healthy birds?

    I just started the medicated today. I was worried about coccidia. I clean out their brooder every two days and the food and water every day but they still poop everywhere! I was afraid they would get sick. I am realizing this is just like having children! You worry you are doing the right...
  4. kewpiecakes

    Baby chick is a bully

    I don't have an answer to your questions, but I have a younger one that is very aggressive. It is cute. I do have that one separated from the others. I just hope the young one might be better behaved when its older. This could just be wishful thinking.
  5. kewpiecakes

    Is it possible to spoil a baby chick?

    I have a week old chick that is separated from the other girls. She is a week younger and had bugs. I think I have all the bugs off but I am still afraid to mix her with the others. She is smaller, but also very aggressive. If you touch her food she will peck you. She often will chirp...
  6. kewpiecakes

    How do I raise healthy birds?

    I have chicks that are a few weeks old and one that is about a week old. I have them on medicated starter and I clean the brooder frequently and give fresh water what seems like every hour! Where do I go from here. I have been reading about all the pests they can get. What can I do to safe...
  7. kewpiecakes

    Tractor Supply Promised RIR, ...I'm Not So Sure - Would You Have A Look?

    Yes, the golden comet is a sex link hybrid breed. They supposedly are early layers and are good producers. I think you might be pleased. I wanted to start with the RIR and at the last minute decided to go with a cross section of birds, one of which is the golden comet. I would see if you can...
  8. kewpiecakes

    Can you tell me who this is?

    Here are some more pictures.
  9. kewpiecakes

    Can you tell me who this is?

    Yes he is one color, no markings. A very pale yellow. I will post more picks in the a.m.
  10. kewpiecakes

    Can you tell me who this is?

    My aunt found this little guy and she brought him over to me. Not sure what he might be. He loves being held and will cry for me if I go out of sight. But if I touch his food he goes nuts and starts pecking my finger. He is very small, but then again I am not sure how old he is. I have a...
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