Chicken water nipples reviews?

I contemplated using pvc runners out from each side of the bucket. But I figured with the "wicked cold" New England winters we get, the thin pvc lines would be the first to freeze. So just using the bottom of the bucket with a heater in it might be my best option. Maybe a second bucket if I have to later on.
How do you set the bucket down when the nipples are on the bottom? I have 4 nipples on the bottom of a 5 gal bucket and have the set it down in order to get the lid on. I want the lid on to help keep the water clean and also to help keep the bucket from getting deformed from hanging by the handle.
How do you set the bucket down when the nipples are on the bottom? I have 4 nipples on the bottom of a 5 gal bucket and have the set it down in order to get the lid on. I want the lid on to help keep the water clean and also to help keep the bucket from getting deformed from hanging by the handle.

I have a couple of bricks and sit the bucket on them to keep them from being damaged when I need to refill it. A couple of pieces of scrap lumber would work, too. Just space bricks or lumber, so the nipples don't hit.
To keep them from freezing, I have a shut off valve on the PVC pipe between the water tank and the pipe with the nipples. If the weather is freezing I just open the valve enough to let it drip. I also have the water tank insulated. This keeps it from freezing and from developing slime since light doesn't get to the water.
We went with about 5 ft of 4" PVC and push in nipples, threaded caps on both ends to make it easy to fill and flush the system (it holds about 5 gallons). Our little coop and run are more like a tractor since we move them around almost weekly, so it's nice having it attached. My husband threw it on when circumstances called for getting the chicks out of the house quicker than anticipated, so I plan on eventually doing something different with the brackets, maybe hanging the lower pipe from chains or something that will look a little nicer. I also keep fish, so I figure in the winter I'll put a spare aquarium heater down the tube to prevent freezing. So far, we absolutely love the nipples, one chick figured it out and the others learned from him pretty quick, they don't appear dehydrated at all, and it's been so nice not having to fight a muddy water jug a couple times a day.

I love this! i built the bucket system with the pvc pipe.............. the silly birds are using it to roost on and its ticking me off. any suggestions on how to stop that?
... I want the lid on to help keep the water clean and also to help keep the bucket from getting deformed from hanging by the handle.

Reminder: You have to let air into the bucket to allow the water to come out. If the lid is on with no vent holes, your chickens will get no water.
We use a 5 gal bucket with 3 nipples in the bottom. 2 would have been enough, since the chicken only use the same 2 all the time. I kept them out at the edge so if I had to put the bucket down, I could rest it on a tree stump that's nearby and not damage the nipples. the nipples do not leak but the chickens are messy drinkers. I have not used this method thru the winter yet, but we plan on using an aquarium heater or bird bath heater. My husband was skeptical until I made him take care of the old waterers for a few days while I had an injured arm. The nipples 'just happened' to come in the mail that same week (hehe!) and he was willing to try, Now he will NEVER go back to water pans, or anything else. We still use the regular plastic 'fill it up, flip it over' waterer inside the coop for now, but before winter we want to find a little bit smaller bucket to set up on the inside of the coop & use the remaining 2 nipples we have.
I got them thru Amazon, I believe they were $9 for 5 nipples + shipping

The other advantage is we can fill up the feeder & water bucket and be gone for a weekend and not have to worry about someone messing with that. just have the neighbor come over to let the chickens out in the am, put them in at night.
We have them and we have one that drips or pours!! Don't know what to do but we have got to do something else..we are wasting water. Any ideas let me know!
We have them and we have one that drips or pours!! Don't know what to do but we have got to do something else..we are wasting water. Any ideas let me know!
Horizontal Nipples solve three problems. The pail can sit down or hang. They can be mounted flush to a wall so the birds can't perch. Best of all they don't leak! Send me a PM to find out more.


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