Recent content by KnittingChick3

  1. KnittingChick3

    The mystery of the disappearing broody eggs?

    In case anyone is interested in the outcome: I gave Specky some scrambled eggs for a few days and that seemed to go well. August 2nd was supposed to be the 3 week mark. I candled the egg again a couple days before and it didn't look like there was anything in it. My husband forgot to let Specky...
  2. KnittingChick3

    The mystery of the disappearing broody eggs?

    Yes, she has constant food and water in her cage. And yes, she probably is eating them. Maybe they weren't viable or something. It was just weird that they vanished without a trace. I've had egg eating hens before and normally there's some evidence left behind... This is day 11 for this batch of...
  3. KnittingChick3

    The mystery of the disappearing broody eggs?

    I have a first time broody, Speckled Sussex over 1 year old. Her eggs are dissapearing. At first I tried to break her of her broodiness, but she refused so I decided why not. First I gave her 3 fake eggs for a few day to make sure she was serious, then gave her 3 fertilized (or so I thought...
  4. KnittingChick3

    Australian Shepherds (Aussies)

    Mine will just lay around when it's hot. He doesn't like the heat. He really likes laying on the porch swing, not sure why. And if we sit in one place for a while he'll eventually settle if we can survive past the point where he wants to sit his 40 + lbs in your lap, put his paw on you and...
  5. KnittingChick3

    Australian Shepherds (Aussies)

    We have a standard sized Aussie; he's just a year old. He's a complete nut... My husband got him without really consulting me and I'm still mad about it. We both work long days and don't have the most active, outdoor lifestyle so this dog gets bored. He chews on everything (the door frame, the...
  6. KnittingChick3

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

    My mother doesn't want any of the eggs from our chickens because we have a rooster, even though I explained to her several times, that while yes they are possibly fertilized, we check for them 2-3 times a day and put them right in the fridge when we find them, so there's not going to be a...
  7. KnittingChick3

    Feather damage from rooster treading- too much attention on one hen?

    Here's some pictures. I'm going to have to change her name to Baldie instead of Blondie. Also, guess who the egg-eater in the flock is... I caught her red handed. Poor Blondie probaby started because she needs to make up for all the protein needed to grow back these feathers. So, the eggs in...
  8. KnittingChick3

    Chicken Tails (Amusements and Anecdotes)

    The Not-Amusing-Chicken Story or Goodbye Goldie: Well, we lost our first hen. Goldie Hawn the Hen is no longer with us. My daughter went out to do chicken chores one day and came back crying. I'm not sure what happened to the bird. Everyone seemed healthy, no signs of disease. When I...
  9. KnittingChick3

    Feather damage from rooster treading- too much attention on one hen?

    So, I waited a while to see what would happen. I left the saddle on her and left her alone, but it's only gotten worse. Now her entire back is bare halfway down the sides, she only has a few tail feathers left, and her shoulders ( that's what I call the top of the wing closest to the back) have...
  10. KnittingChick3

    Ended WINNERS ANNOUNCED - Official BYC Mini Contest #2 - Tell Us Your Best Chicken Story

    We rescued a "wild hen" from the car wash. My co-worker saw a white chicken roaming around the car wash of our small town one Friday. We watched it off and on all day from where we work. This is the first year raising chickens for both myself and my co-worker, but I said that if I could catch...
  11. KnittingChick3

    Review by '' on item 'Leghorn'

    If you are looking for egg production, I'd definitely recommend this breed. Our leghorn is smart and paranoid; you have to corner her in the coop or work really hard to take her by surprise if you want to catch her. She got loose one night and even in the dark, she was almost impossible to...
  12. KnittingChick3

    Feather damage from rooster treading- too much attention on one hen?

    I'm wondering if there is a point when a rooster shows too much attention to one hen? I brought this girl in to give her a bath since her bum feathers get really poopy, for whatever reason (perhaps it's related?) I knew she had some treading damage to her feathers and she's been wearing a...
  13. KnittingChick3

    Chicken Tails (Amusements and Anecdotes)

    The Chicken Pancake: I have a Buff Orpington who at the age of 6 months, thinks she wants to go broody already. (Is that normal? Seems young to me, but who knows what she's thinking.) I don't want her to go broody, not until spring. So I pick her up out of the nest as often as I can to try...
  14. KnittingChick3

    Comment by 'KnittingChick3' in article 'First Flock- from day old to first egg.'

    I finally finished the article about our one coop... I have to proof read something a billion times, so it took me a while to write. Here it is:
  15. Medium Portable Chicken Coop

    Medium Portable Chicken Coop

    My husband is going to collaborate with this article since he's the one who built it. All I did was show him pictures of coops I liked and tell him how big, how many, what and where when he asked. I'll include a materials price list (what I remember) at the end, but the costs will be different...
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