Recent content by krazyboutpets

  1. krazyboutpets


    Is there a list somewhere that tells us what is bad for chickens to eat? We have been giving our babies (5 weeks old) worms that we find in the yard, I guess they are earthworms. But now I'm afraid they might get sick. I would love to have a list of what is good for them and what is not. PLEASE...
  2. krazyboutpets

    Nipple waterer design question....

    Yea it took me a minute to figure that one out.......I was looking at it going dang it...... it was just working, now what??? When I turned the bottle right side up and it sucked in air .......I was like......duhhhhhh......yea my son got a kick out of that !!!! He's 22 and just loves to watch...
  3. krazyboutpets

    Nipple waterer design question....

    That's great . I wished we had the nipples a long time ago !!!! You is a lot of work to keep cleaning the water all day long. I put a plastic tray with some shavings in it (so they don't slip and slid when they drink) right under the water bottle. I just dump the small amount of...
  4. krazyboutpets

    Nipple waterer design question....

    Thank you so much for your help. I took the old waterer out and waited about two hours to see if they had figured it out. Well they didn' my son and I took out each girl and my ameracana ( Puff ) she is a smart girl. She was so cute..... once I touched the metal nipple end to her beak...
  5. krazyboutpets

    Nipple waterer design question....

    Awesome !!!! Thank you so much. I was so scared to take the old waterer out.. When you are new to something, you get so afraid that you'll make a mistake. I will do that right away. Thank you soooo much.
  6. krazyboutpets

    Nipple waterer design question....

    Hi, We are building the same type of system, with the nipples on the bottom of the bucket. Just hoping it will work. We have seen it in other coops and it works great. My problem right now is.....we have a 1/2 liter bottle with one nipple in their brood cage right now and they don't use it.... I...
  7. Ozzy and Shelby letting me know all is well with their flock.

    Ozzy and Shelby letting me know all is well with their flock.

  8. This is my 6 year old pug Queen Shelby of the chicks

    This is my 6 year old pug Queen Shelby of the chicks

  9. more snuggling

    more snuggling

  10. the flock snuggling

    the flock snuggling

  11. ameracana


  12. guinea and a red

    guinea and a red

  13. one guinea and one ameracana

    one guinea and one ameracana

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