Nipple waterer design question....


9 Years
May 16, 2010
To those with a watering system, I'm in the process of building a system, in my mind at least. I've seen the bucket with the toilet valve and then pvc running to a length of pvc with the nipples drilled into it. My question is, couldn't I just use the bucket. Have a 5 gallon bucket with the toilet valve and just drill the nipples into the bottom of the bucket?? This would allow me to save time and money with all the pvc as well as being able to raise or lower the bucket as the new chicks grew. The only disadvantage I see is having the bucket hanging in the coop and taking up room or providing a roost spot for one of the birds. Other than that, the nipples would not be under any water pressure and would still be able to be gravity fed. Does this make sense and would it work??
To those with a watering system, I'm in the process of building a system, in my mind at least. I've seen the bucket with the toilet valve and then pvc running to a length of pvc with the nipples drilled into it. My question is, couldn't I just use the bucket. Have a 5 gallon bucket with the toilet valve and just drill the nipples into the bottom of the bucket?? This would allow me to save time and money with all the pvc as well as being able to raise or lower the bucket as the new chicks grew. The only disadvantage I see is having the bucket hanging in the coop and taking up room or providing a roost spot for one of the birds. Other than that, the nipples would not be under any water pressure and would still be able to be gravity fed. Does this make sense and would it work??
If you're going to put it in your coop (either pvc or a bucket) I recommend getting the horizontal nipples. The vertical ones drip. I stopped using them and replaced everything with the horizontal nipples except for my ducks. You can buy them at All'Bout Chickens and install them in whatever you want to use.

With the horizontal nipples you can put your bucket on something so the nipples are about beak height (no need to hang it) and then put something on the lid so your babies don't roost on it.
Hi, We are building the same type of system, with the nipples on the bottom of the bucket. Just hoping it will work. We have seen it in other coops and it works great.
My problem right now is.....we have a 1/2 liter bottle with one nipple in their brood cage right now and they don't use it.... I left the other waterer in there just in case they couldn't figure it out. Hummm.......not to sure what to do......should I hold them up to it and let them see that water comes out when they touch it?......sounds silly I know......or should I take the old waterer out and let them figure it out? How do you get them to use the nipples?????? I am so scared they will dehydrate, my girls drink a lot of water. Honestly I didn't really think they would drink as much as they do. But I'm a newbie chicken mama...... Just learning ....I love them ! Hope some one can help us both out !!!!
Hi, We are building the same type of system, with the nipples on the bottom of the bucket. Just hoping it will work. We have seen it in other coops and it works great.
My problem right now is.....we have a 1/2 liter bottle with one nipple in their brood cage right now and they don't use it.... I left the other waterer in there just in case they couldn't figure it out. Hummm.......not to sure what to do......should I hold them up to it and let them see that water comes out when they touch it?......sounds silly I know......or should I take the old waterer out and let them figure it out? How do you get them to use the nipples?????? I am so scared they will dehydrate, my girls drink a lot of water. Honestly I didn't really think they would drink as much as they do. But I'm a newbie chicken mama...... Just learning ....I love them ! Hope some one can help us both out !!!!
You need to take out their other water source because they will keep using what they are used to. By taking out the other water source, you are forcing them to use the water nipple waterer. You can take the chick/chicken and make it peck the nipple so that they see what comes out. They catch on quickly!
Awesome !!!! Thank you so much. I was so scared to take the old waterer out.. When you are new to something, you get so afraid that you'll make a mistake. I will do that right away. Thank you soooo much.
We hang our nipple watering buckets. They have lids and nothing else on the lid. Never have a problem with birds roosting on the bucket. I think because the bucket will wobble if they try to get up there. I would think setting the bucket on something stable would create a more desirable place for them to roost. Yes, the horizontal nipples are best, I've tried both styles.
You can have as many tapes as he wants . Use the horizontal or vertical doubles. If you have multiple lines you can have various heights for the different size chickens .
Thank you so much for your help. I took the old waterer out and waited about two hours to see if they had figured it out. Well they didn' my son and I took out each girl and my ameracana ( Puff ) she is a smart girl. She was so cute..... once I touched the metal nipple end to her beak, she took to it right away. The guineas took longer, the RIR"s acted like....."you want me to what???" so we left them alone for a while and when I went back in they we ALL playing with it !!! It was so cute and the guineas make such an adorable sound when they are happy......kinda hard to explain, it's sorta like a cooing and a giggling sound mix. I just love watching them all grow up and have such amazing personalities. I think I now have chicken fever !!!! Thank you again for your help.
Thank you so much for your help. I took the old waterer out and waited about two hours to see if they had figured it out. Well they didn' my son and I took out each girl and my ameracana ( Puff ) she is a smart girl. She was so cute..... once I touched the metal nipple end to her beak, she took to it right away. The guineas took longer, the RIR"s acted like....."you want me to what???" so we left them alone for a while and when I went back in they we ALL playing with it !!! It was so cute and the guineas make such an adorable sound when they are happy......kinda hard to explain, it's sorta like a cooing and a giggling sound mix. I just love watching them all grow up and have such amazing personalities. I think I now have chicken fever !!!!  Thank you again for your help.  

Awe. It's always fun to watch them! My last batch of chicks had so much fun. One chick got a big gulp of water from it and seemed completely shocked. Lol

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