Recent content by kriswiles

  1. kriswiles

    Incubation requirements for Swan Eggs

    Hi Everyone! I was wondering if anyone has information on how to incubate swan eggs! Would love to give it a shot but can't seem to find any information on temperature, humidity, turning, misting???, & ect. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much! Kris
  2. kriswiles

    Is there a 'quiet' breed of roosters?

    Not sure if my black white crested polish rooster is what you'd consider quiet but of my 6 roosters his crow is the only one that can't be heard from in the house! I also have 1 Auburn Java, 2 Lavendar Orpingtons, 1 blue wyandotte and a cooper moran, who could serve as a back up emergency fire...
  3. kriswiles

    I have Chicken that are upside down in the eggs! What is going wrong?

    I agree with chickencrazy999 that it could be the turner or perhaps the air cell isn't settled at the large end of the egg when place in the incubator. Hopefully they'll be ok.
  4. kriswiles

    I reborn dolls ....anyone else?

    Wow! Have always looked at the reborn dolls on Ebay and I can't even tell you how impressive they are. Was wondering how long it takes to create one from start to finish?
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