Recent content by ksbosley

  1. ksbosley

    Hen aggressive toward new chicks

    Thank you all for so many great replies! :bow Things are going much more smoothly now. We separated the bully hen for about 36 hours to let her think about what she'd done, and she hasn't shown much interest in mamma or the chicks since she posted bail. As some above posts suggested, she had...
  2. ksbosley

    Hen aggressive toward new chicks

    She did seem broody at first. As soon as mamma got out of the nest with the chicks, she got in and sat down. There were still two eggs in there that didn't hatch. But she didn't stay long, and shortly after was when she started getting weird. We locked her away in the run (which is decent sized...
  3. ksbosley

    Hen aggressive toward new chicks

    Thank you so much! Honestly, I have no idea what they'll grow into. We got the eggs from a local farmer who has a pretty sizable flock and multiple roosters. So they'll be a barnyard mix of (hopefully female) surprises! And we'd thought that the bully might be broody as well. Once momma got...
  4. ksbosley

    Hen aggressive toward new chicks

    Hello all. Looking for some advice on a naughty hen. I've got an Ameraucana who went broody. And instead of trying to break her of it, we bought some hatching eggs for her to sit on. The chicks have now hatched (6 little fluffballs!), and "mom" is taking care of them beautifully. However, one...
  5. ksbosley

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

    I got him/her about 7 weeks ago. So I'd guess 8 weeks...?
  6. ksbosley


    Hi everybody! Chicken newbie here, and happy to be a part of this great community! I live in northern Colorado with my wife, two cats, and four (roughly month old) chick(en)s. I work at a brewery (where I have access to nearly ENDLESS malted grains which should make for some happy chickens), and...
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