Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

When we got our chicks I was super excited that the ranch store had two welsummer chicks left over from the week before as I really wanted Welsummers in my flock. I thought they were both female but now I'm starting to second guess myself. They are about 3 weeks old. Thank you so much in advance for your help!

When we got our chicks I was super excited that the ranch store had two welsummer chicks left over from the week before as I really wanted Welsummers in my flock. I thought they were both female but now I'm starting to second guess myself. They are about 3 weeks old. Thank you so much in advance for your help!
3 weeks is too early to be sure but they look like pullets at the moment. If you not sure in a couple of weeks or so just ask me!
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We were fortunate to adopt some chicks that were hatched by the local 1st graders. They are all Murray McMurray hatchery. I'm a first time chicken keeper, we don't know gender or breed though the kids and I have had fun guessing!! What say you?

My mom-in-law hatched them about three weeks ago, but we are not sure what breeds they are or their sex. The flock that the eggs came from included the following breeds:

Hens: Ameracauna, Barred Rock, Austrolorp, Silkie, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Crested Polish, Buff Orpington
Roosters: Buff Orpington, Ameracauna, Silkie, Frizzle, Copper Maran

Here are my two babies:

Barred Rock with what? Male or Female?

Ameracauna with what? Male or Female?

Thanks all!
My mom-in-law hatched them about three weeks ago, but we are not sure what breeds they are or their sex. The flock that the eggs came from included the following breeds:

Hens: Ameracauna, Barred Rock, Austrolorp, Silkie, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Crested Polish, Buff Orpington
Roosters: Buff Orpington, Ameracauna, Silkie, Frizzle, Copper Maran
Are any of the males barred? I assume the Orp and Marans are not. If none of them are then the barred chick is a cockerel. Any non-barred, non-white male over a barred female results in black sex links.

The next chick is too young to sex. What color egg did it hatch from? Does she have true Ameraucanas or the hatchery version (which are Easter Eggers)?

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