Recent content by kwcoop

  1. kwcoop

    First try at incubation

    Thanks egghead, we just used the thermometer that came with it, laid on top of eggs. We found out as well that our room temp would cause some fluctuation too. We are in Indiana, when we started incubation it was 45 out so we had the furnace on. Well after 4-5 days it warned up to 70, so we had...
  2. kwcoop

    First try at incubation

    Hello all, Bought my wife a LG 9200 for X mas. We just went thru our first try. We put 14 eggs in. Candled at 8 days, tossed 3 that obviously weren't doing anything. Candled again at 15 days, had 9 that showed growth and movement. Went on lockdown on day 18, had 1 hatch on day 22, 4 more on...
  3. kwcoop

    Hen with arthritis????

    They have access to feed at all times. And we give them table scraps cpl times a week also
  4. kwcoop

    Hen with arthritis????

    Yes last night we checked her over good. Didn't notice any mites or lice. Or anything else out of the ordinary. We've been using 16% layer crumbles since they were adults. There's a scratch block in the run and I throw 2-3 handfuls of scratch grains out every time I fill the water. The other 5...
  5. kwcoop

    Hen with arthritis????

    Yea arthritis is just kinda the best word I could use to describe her manners. I've noticed a cpl of the others pecking at her. Last year one hen went broody and the others absolutely bullied the crap out of her. I'm thinking maybe it was this hen. Maybe she's thinking of going broody again and...
  6. kwcoop

    Hen with arthritis????

    I have 6 two year old Red cross hens. In the last month we've went from 5-6 eggs a day to 3, sometimes 4. I realize they are probably about done laying. One of the hens I've noticed for 10 days or so is having some issues. She seems really stiff, always moving really slow. Her comb also is a...
  7. kwcoop

    Thinking my Black Australorps aren't really Australorps...

    Ur welcome. There hasn't been much difference in the personality of either that I've noticed. One of our barred rocks will peck at you when you try to pick her up, but the other two are pretty sweet birds. The black austrolorps weren't as timid at first tho, they would come right up to you.
  8. kwcoop

    Thinking my Black Australorps aren't really Australorps...

    My black austrolorp roo TUPAC, with a same age barred rock behind him
  9. kwcoop

    Thinking my Black Australorps aren't really Australorps...

    Looks to me like you got barred rocks. I have 5 black austrolorp and 3 barred rocks all hatched Feb 1, so about 7 1/2 weeks old. Here's some pics of each.
  10. kwcoop

    Easter Egger club!

    Hope so. The other 2 are similarly colored, just have golden heads and hackles. Haven't seen any red on any of the 4.
  11. kwcoop

    Easter Egger club!

    7 week old EE. I have 4 of them, any guesses on pullet/roo?
  12. kwcoop

    Coop run ground cover

    Well I covered the ground in the run 2 weeks ago. Put leaves, hay, and some pine straw prbly a foot deep. We've had quite a bit of rain since I did it, and I must say its working really good. I got some scratch grains Saturday and threw 3-4 handfuls in there. They have shredded the leaves and...
  13. kwcoop

    Austrolorp chicks

  14. kwcoop

    Austrolorp chicks

    Thought I'd update this, 7 weeks old.
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