Recent content by LadyMay

  1. LadyMay

    Meat turkey crop extended - help?

    I have a meat turkey with a really extended crop. In chickens you tip them over, get that out if you can, rest their gut for a day or so and then start with cooked pumpkin slowly. She's inside since yesterday afternoon. Same for turkeys? She doesn't smell sour. It feels super soft when I...
  2. LadyMay

    Game bird feed + ?? extra protein to get to 26%?

    This is what I'm bolstering with protein. It doesn't seem void...?
  3. LadyMay

    Game bird feed + ?? extra protein to get to 26%?

    I will have non-GMO soy-free game bird feed for my poults that arrive this week but it's 23% protein. What can I add to it to raise the protein content enough for the first 8w? I have wild-sourced bone meal but not sure that's the best idea. Also considering fish meal or bug-powder? Those more...
  4. LadyMay

    Starting deep litter - can I use store bought compost

    Oh shoot (thanks Amy that's what I was wondering). My coop floor is plastic, my run is dirt. Guess it'll have to compost the old regular way with no starter help... :)
  5. LadyMay

    Starting deep litter - can I use store bought compost

    As a base layer beneath my shavings/straw to kick composting off well or is that a bad idea? (I've read people leave a little bit of composted litter in the bottom of their coop after they clean things out, in prep for their new deep litter - but I have a brand new coop so I'm wondering if this...
  6. LadyMay

    Deep liter/composting bedding method

    I've read to leave some of the litter at the bottom, when you're starting a new set of shavings, etc because of the beneficial microbes. I'm starting my coop initially, can I add some store bought compost to get things going or is that a silly idea? And I was going to start off with chopped...
  7. LadyMay

    Is it possible to raise all of your shipped chicks?

    They are two weeks and 3 days old and healthy as can be. I am amazed... I have been so paranoid! But so far, it's been good. I change their water twice a day, washing the containers, and tend to their bedding daily. :)
  8. LadyMay

    Sick birds from new farm? Awful smell/poop

    One of them seems to be sneezing and has a bit of a runny nose? I think? I just see mucus when she sneezes. Do I need to pull her from her group?
  9. LadyMay

    Sick birds from new farm? Awful smell/poop

    I got some additional chicks and a couple 6+ week birds from a farm. I have 3 chicks already. I kept the new birds in a different room/brooder and the original chicks in a different one. Was going to keep them this way for two week quarantine. The newer birds smell horrible. They may have the...
  10. LadyMay

    Is it because of the age or... (different farm chicks)

    Thank you!! They are already separated in different rooms. I had no idea it means they could be sick. Crud. I'll read those threads, thank you!
  11. LadyMay

    Is it because of the age or... (different farm chicks)

    No one has had this with different sets of birds?
  12. LadyMay

    Is it because of the age or... (different farm chicks)

    I got some additional birds from a different farm than my almost-2w-olds and some of them are bigger/older and some are the same age as the ones I have had already. But holy cow do they smell bad. And they poop way different (more b/c bigger of course but different shades, etc). Is it a gut...
  13. LadyMay

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    Here's a brooder design I made from an example from someone here. There's another the same size that attaches on the back when they are big enough to need the room. Will have screen:
  14. LadyMay

    Is it possible to raise all of your shipped chicks?

    Thank you! I do have a great brooder with lots of space and a way to get away from the heat, ACV in their water (that I will refresh often) and good food (great idea about mixing and the supplemental nutrition, I will look for both). Already gave buns a bath and changed their bedding pad. Wish...
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