Recent content by lin04

  1. L

    Silkie thread!

    My Silkie Rooster "Lou the Roo" has found his voice at 12 weeks old. He crows every morning now. I love it! This is Lou...
  2. L

    Adult Chicken Wry Neck

    Thank you for the info and encouragement! I know I will baby her for a long time........
  3. L

    Adult Chicken Wry Neck

    Thank you so much for saying that. I have 8 chickens that all have names and I love each one of them, but because of this I have really bonded with her So many people can't understand why I am doing it and I don't get that. I am so happy for this website of people that understand...
  4. L

    Adult Chicken Wry Neck

    One of my year old Golden Wyandotte got rye neck 10 days ago. I started frantically reading about it hoping to save her. Others I know with chickens have never heard of this. I started her with vitamin E and selenium with a dropper. She got so bad she just laid down with her head under her...
  5. L

    Silkie thread!

    They are beautiful!
  6. L

    Comment by 'lin04' in item 'Silkie'

    I loved your story about your lovebirds...... and your new hens are beautiful!
  7. L

    Silkie thread!

    I love looking at everyone's Silkie pictures. They are so cute!
  8. L

    Silkie thread!

    lol I will let you know how it goes.
  9. L

    Silkie thread!

    Hahaha adorable!! They are so much fun to watch. Thank you for the pictures!
  10. L

    Silkie thread!

    I keep thinking about giving them a bath. I will be attempting that soon! lol
  11. L

    Silkie thread!

    I have 4 silkies that are 8 weeks old and oh how I love them. I think people at work think I am crazy because I talk about them so much. I am trying to only talk about them with other chicken lovers. When they got old enough to go into their house outside they had no idea how to use their...
  12. L

    Silkie thread!

    You will get attached and end up keeping them all as I did. I got 5 but one did not make it. I said I was not keeping a roo but guess what? I ended up with what I believe is 3 hens and only 1 roo. I can't get rid of him now. Mine are 6 weeks old.
  13. L

    Splash/ Blue Silkie Thread

    Thank you so much! I love them all, male or female..........thinking I need to come up with a boy's name for the last one. Now I will know what to watch for. So glad you mentioned about looking at the comb. It made me realize last night that the last one was different once I took the picture.
  14. L

    Splash/ Blue Silkie Thread

    Thank you, I also love their coloring. OMG do they look funny with up close head shots! lol I never noticed until I took these pictures but the bottom one sure does look like a rooster! I have never raised chickens from babies before.
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