Recent content by Linnre

  1. Linnre

    Buff Orpington Roo?

    Thank you!!
  2. Linnre

    Buff Orpington Roo?

    Thanks!!! Good to hear that!
  3. Linnre

    Buff Orpington Roo?

    This is mine two days shy of 8 weeks. Supposed to be a pullet and I am hoping so!! Any thoughts on this one? Is it okay for me to ask here? Lavender Orpington and very sweet.
  4. Linnre

    When do lavender Orpington pullets start to get a red crest and wattles? When do cockerels start to

    I have one 6 1/2 weeks ago. Hoping for and expecting a pullet. What do you think?
  5. Linnre

    7 week Polish - what sex is this one?

    Does everyone agree? I’d like for at least one to be a pullet! Both are supposed to be. 😕
  6. Linnre

    7 week Polish - what sex is this one?

    Oh no. I surely hope not. Thank you for your reply and insight.
  7. Linnre

    7 week Polish - what sex is this one?

    I have two 7 1/2 week Polish. A golden laced and a Buff. They are both supposed to be Pullets. The buff has me wondering.
  8. Linnre

    Pullet or Cockerel? Polish Edition!

    What did your chicks turn out to be?
  9. Linnre

    7 week polish sexing

    Did this chick end up being a rooster or a hen? I have two 7 week old Polish that are both supposed to be pullets. The buff seems to have some questionable qualities tho.
  10. Linnre

    Prairie bluebell egger

    Yes I am anxious to see her pretty blue eggs!
  11. Linnre

    Prairie bluebell egger

    I have a new Prairie Bluebell who looks a little chipmunkish. Does anyone have one who looked like this as a chick? Wondering what her coloring will be.
  12. Linnre

    What kind of dog would be good to get?

    Thank you for this very helpful and positive response! My own Labrador retriever is fine with my chickens. Now to decide which to get and when! Thank you again!! Oh and the owner who said that they will kill chickens had that happen to his son who got one of their pups. I asked if these...
  13. Linnre

    What kind of dog would be good to get?

    That’s about what I’ve decided. Get a sweet dog I like, inside dog, and do train to be nice to chickens but for the most part not interact unless supervised. And also train my husband and grandson to do the same! 😊
  14. Linnre

    What kind of dog would be good to get?

    I think at this point I just want a dog that will live in harmony with my chickens. Preferably sweet and non shedding. Seems the poodle mixes are what make them not shed I guess.
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