Recent content by LotsofChickens

  1. LotsofChickens

    Poorly chick. please help

    Did you know that you have to dip their beaks into the water to show them how to drink? If you don't they will die because they won't know how to drink. Their mother shows them how and since you're their "mother" you have to show them how. I have hatched many chicks in my incubator and have done...
  2. LotsofChickens

    All my chicks died

    All my chicks died also except for one. I bought them from Murray McMurray. My daughter (10) put a heat light on them at night when it was already hot and they overheated. I was very upset but there's nothing I can do now. It's very sad to lose any chicks and I'm sorry for your loss.
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