All my chicks died

bird lady, where are you in nor cal? we are in San Jose and have a hatch due monday we could spare a few if your BR needs friends. I hate having solitary chicks, they pine so....
All my chicks died also except for one. I bought them from Murray McMurray. My daughter (10) put a heat light on them at night when it was already hot and they overheated. I was very upset but there's nothing I can do now. It's very sad to lose any chicks and I'm sorry for your loss.
bird lady, where are you in nor cal? we are in San Jose and have a hatch due monday we could spare a few if your BR needs friends. I hate having solitary chicks, they pine so....
I am in Eureka, that is the greatess thing ever. Put tears in our eyes to know someone cares for our sweet little Angel. My man says "chicken peeps rock! " She loves us to hold her and she comes right up to us. We are going to see if we can get a couple more her size to keep her company. the only thing they have here right now is Americanas, Cochins, RIR, I am afraid to go back to same feed store for more BR. I was hoping maybe the others would be ok if they are same size. I am don't have alot of experience mixing chicks so not sure if its a good idea, We have 4 week old Buff Orps, they are spending their first night in the coop. Our BR is toasty warm in the spare bedroom :)
They are also very sweet and love us being around. It is so cool. We just love spending time with our little chickies.. :)
omg i am so glad i found this i bougth 4 chicks 2 days ago and the day i got one he started getting wobble aswell then he died along with anoth 1 and then another one got wobble and died along with another one
what went rong.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Can you give us a bit more info? What is your brooder set-up? Temperature in the brooder? What have you been feeding them? Etc.
My guess is perhaps it might have been something they were already sick/infected with that they "took home" from the feed store perhaps. It sounds like you did all you could with clean water and food and (I assume of course) a heat lamp. There's not a whole lot you can do after that - heck you even had vitamins for them! Sorry that you lost them all! =( (I know how it feels as I recently lost one of my favorite hens)
ok i have an brinsea mini eco glow 20 chick brooder its auromatic its set on the bottom secountion for a couple days old chicks i feed them chick starter and gave them fresh water i was going to put them on news paper but i read on internet to not do that so i put towels under them it was short notice then the first day i got them i noticed one was wobble on his feet he got worse the that nigth that chick plus another one had died the other one died for no apparent reason atall then the next nigth another chick was getting wabble i was only down to 2 chicks by then and that nigth they both died and one of the chicks died for no reason again
I just ran into this thread doing a search, because we had 10 chicks, and all were doing well for 3-4 weeks, (except for one, who seemed to be smaller than the others and not developing her wings as fast). Then recently, within the last few days, 3 of them have died and two more are acting strange. I read on another post something about possible malnutrition. I suppose this could be possible, although not because the feed quality is poor, but I have noticed they are just not eating very much. I don't know why, but they don't seem to be eating nearly as much as they were previously, even though it is the same food. The only food they really will eat a lot of, is scrambled eggs.
I urge you to get a necropsy on the latest chick to die. You need to find out what's killing these chicks. Your local US Dept of Agriculture should be able to help. Call them and they will tell you what the procedure is.

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