Recent content by misschickchick

  1. misschickchick

    What breed are these chicks?

    Top ones look like Rhode Island reds
  2. misschickchick

    Something is Wrong!

    There are several hens. I feed layers pellets and calcium supplement. Eggs are not soft shell just dont hatch. Was just npip certified and all of my breeds are healthy and have access to fresh air and sunshine. Not many treats and are eating fine. This is the only breed not hatching. Very puzzling
  3. misschickchick

    Something is Wrong!

    My birds aren't sick. I was just tested by depth af ag to get npip certified. I feed layers pellets and supplement calcium. Same conditions as all the other breeds that are hatching fine
  4. misschickchick

    Hatching cream legbars

    i have cream legbar hens that have been laying for a few months. I can't get eggs to hatch. I have tried 3 different roosters. I have a sportsman incubator that is very good. All other breeds are hatching very good. Anyone else having problems with CL eggs
  5. misschickchick

    Should I clean off dirty eggs before I start incubating?

    When chickens hatch their own eggs there has to be bacteria present as the chicken is tracking it in and still they hatch. It seems like people are obsessing on cleaning them. In nature nothing is steril I would think simply rinsing with warm water would be sufficient.
  6. misschickchick

    black copper narans

    i have 4 black copper marans that are 5 weeks old. they are gray with no white on their stomachs or other colors. I am wonder if they are really bcms. i bought the eggs locally. What color should they be at that age?
  7. misschickchick

    black copper maran

    I hatched 4 black copper marans 5 week ago that are all gray. is this normal? I got them from a local grower. Shouldn't they be black? One of them had a white chest that is turning gray the others had no white on them.
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