Recent content by misschickenlover

  1. misschickenlover

    What colour eggs do your chickens lay

    can u take a pic of the pink one and send it? im sure that u can't get pink ones!!
  2. misschickenlover

    What colour eggs do your chickens lay

    Vote on what colour eggs your chickens lay. You can choose more than one... also lmk if ive forgotton a colour...
  3. misschickenlover

    Chickens VS Ducks

    defo chickens... a hundred times over...
  4. misschickenlover

    Topic of the Week - Saving Money, Feeding Chickens

    i have just started to mix in water with the feed, although it takes a bit more time they eat SO MUCH LESS... im hooked on it (althought the family curse it!!)
  5. misschickenlover

    Midnight Layers...

    mine have a fav nesting box and if that is full (the meaning of full here is 3 chicke 1. my birds are 20 wks and 5 days (they started laying at 15 and a half wks!! - talk abt early birds :celebrate:eek:) 2. abt 5 wks 3. 9 birds in 3 nests... ]
  6. misschickenlover


    waaaaaaaaaaaa... i want chickens wandering around my garden and i cant have chickens wandering around my garden... :hit last time i let them out the pesky fox took one of them... right in front of my baby sister... :th
  7. misschickenlover

    Show me your countertop egg holders!

    i just pencil the date on them on the day they were laid... then i store them in the fridge in the correct order, but just b4 i use them i have trained my family to CHECK THE DATES... or they start selling the ones that were laid just abt an hr previous - not that i mind, but i just like to get...
  8. misschickenlover

    Anybody ever got a double yolk?

    i feel for the chicken that layed the egg with 9 yolks... they make enough noise when they lay a normal one!! abt 1/3 of my flock lays a double yolker every day!! my customers luv it...
  9. misschickenlover

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    life boat
  10. misschickenlover

    Midnight Layers...

    Does anyone else have chickens who consistently lay in the middle of the night!! :) every day when i go to open up the coop in the morning (usually around 5) there is ALWAYS an egg waiting for me, and its usually cold!!
  11. misschickenlover


    wowowowwo... those pictures are AWESOME!:highfive:
  12. misschickenlover

    Do you let your chickens out in the rain?

    i just let my biddies do what they want... usually they all pile into one big heap and cuddle together to keep warm... either that or they run around squarking their heads off!! like as if i can do anything about it!:lau
  13. misschickenlover

    welcome to me

    i had to laff the other day, when i was reflecting on when i first decided to keep chickens i had to google what chicken math was!! now i use the term all the time! :lau
  14. misschickenlover

    Where will my hens lay their eggs?

    you need 1 nest box for 3-4 chickens... all of my hens lay b4 noon so i just collect them all then and also they all lay in the nest boxes... (they did got through a stage at one time of laying underneath the perches, but i just borrowed rubber eggs from a friend and put them in a nest box -...
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