Recent content by MistyMudd

  1. MistyMudd

    Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

    Does this chick have crook neck? It's 3 or 4 days old and never been able to hold its head up straight. Is there anything I can do for it?
  2. MistyMudd

    Rooster Chat

    I need some advice. This is my first time raising chickens. I have 5 Rhode Island Reds - 3 males and 2 females (between 4 & 5 months old). I have been trying to rehome 2 of the males before they get to mating age with no luck. They are free range during the day and at night they are all together...
  3. MistyMudd

    What gender are these Rhode Island Red

    I have 6 RIR's about 6 weeks old. Trying to determine sex. I'm having a hard time posting pictures but will keep trying.
  4. MistyMudd

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    We have 6 Rhide Island Reds about 6 weeks old. I think we have 4 males and 2 females. If I post pictures can someone tell me if I'm right?
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