Recent content by mjljohana

  1. M

    Tween Chicks

    I have a small flock of pullets that are all 5 weeks old. Would it be okay to add a Bielefelder cockerel that is one month older (10 weeks old) to the flock?
  2. M

    What breed is this?

    Thank you so much!!!
  3. M

    What breed is this?

    I’m struggling to pinpoint this breed. Any idea?
  4. M

    Seramas in a Standard Flock?

    Okay, that’s certainly not my goal! Thanks. I will look into rehome
  5. M

    Seramas in a Standard Flock?

    I was given a six month old pair of Sarama hens. I’ve had them in quarantine for the last week and wondered if/when you think it’s possible to add them to my standard flock of 10 hens?
  6. M

    Desolate Run

    When we fenced in our 50’x 50’ chicken run, the ground was luscious with lots of beautiful grass. It’s now the middle of August and there’s not one green blade to be seen. What can we give our chickens to peck at or what can we do that will encourage foraging on dirt?
  7. M

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I’m interested
  8. M

    Hen or Roo?

    Very helpful. Thanks ya’ll!
  9. M

    Hen or Roo?

    Thank you
  10. M

    Hen or Roo?

    A couple of months. And the tail feather?
  11. M

    Hen or Roo?

    A little stuck and hoping to clarify… Hen or Roo on this EE?
  12. M

    Please Help!

    Wondering what breed you all might think my pretty pullet is?? She is 5 weeks old.
  13. M

    What breed is this?

    I can see that. I also wondered about a Salmon Faverolle?
  14. M

    What breed is this?

    Got this EE pullet but wondering if she may be something else? First pic is when she was a baby.
  15. M

    Cock or Pullet?

    Wellsummer 5 weeks. How about this one?
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