Recent content by mosomers

  1. mosomers

    Is it normal for barnevelder pullets to be so red?

    I have four barnevelders. 3 of them are about 6 or 7 weeks old and 1 is about 4 or 5 weeks old. On the older ones, their chests, necks, and heads are so red! Like a Rhode Island Red, red. Is that normal? When does that beautiful double lacing come in? There are not a lot of pictures online of...
  2. mosomers

    Buff Orp not looking so hot

    I have a Buff Orp that is super lethargic and not very responsive. I don't think she will live much longer. I noticed yesterday that she was just laying around on the back porch and not doing much else but I didn't think much of it because she was healthy the day before. Today she was laying in...
  3. mosomers

    A day with no eggs?

    43 eggs!! That's quite a find! :) My chickens free range when the weather is nice but it hasn't been nice this week so they haven't been out except for Friday. I got 2 eggs on Monday, 5 on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, none on Thursday, and 4 on Friday. 5 of my 6 hens are laying. Their run is pretty...
  4. mosomers

    A day with no eggs?

    My flock hasn't been laying for long (a couple of weeks is all, but they are all about 10 months old). I have 2 EE's, 1 Buff Orp, 1 RIR, and 1 barred rock that are laying finally. A couple of days ago, I got zero eggs. Out of 6 chickens, no eggs. Is this normal? I'm worried that between my kids...
  5. mosomers

    Chicken is about 10 months old and still not laying

    I have a little flock of 6 chickens: 3 EE's, 1 RIR, 1 barred rock, and 1 Buff Orp. All of my chickens were born around Easter last year and none of them started laying until the days started getting longer a few weeks ago. Now they are all laying except for one EE. Is she ever going to lay? She...
  6. mosomers

    Buff Orp about to lay or still a ways off?

    Cool! That's so helpful! Thanks!
  7. mosomers

    Buff Orp about to lay or still a ways off?

    I have a buff orpington whose comb, wattles, and especially ear lobes kinda change colors throughout the day. Sometimes when I look at her, her earlobes are pretty red, but I'll look again later on and they're pale, almost white. I've read that all those fleshy parts turn red when a hen is about...
  8. mosomers

    Gender check ?

    Thank you all! I appreciate your help!
  9. mosomers

    Gender check ?

    Whew! Good! So my instincts are off. What markers indicate the chicken in front is a hen? (I've got the roo in back figured out.) :) Does it make a difference that I'm not sure how old she is? I got her a few days ago and the seller said she's laying but I haven't seen any eggs yet. It sounded...
  10. mosomers

    Gender check ?

    I am at a point with chickens where I can kinda sense male vs female but I can't describe the differences that must be cluing me in so I'm not totally certain of myself. I'm feeling that this EE is a roo. Am I right?
  11. mosomers

    Chick With Curled Toes

    How old is too old to do this with? I just got an EE that's probably about 5 months old and has deformed toes. I'm guessing she's too old, but figured I'd check.
  12. mosomers


    Full body shots. :) I think I have 2 roosters. What do you think?
  13. mosomers


    I bought a "pullet" last week that I'm pretty sure is a cockerel. The seller is insisting it's a hen. She asked for pictures of the neck feathers and says they look like hen feathers. They look more like roo feathers to me. So I took pics of my other two EE's, one is male and one is female, and...
  14. mosomers


    She wants to trade. I didn't really like her other EE. :/ Not sure what to do.....
  15. mosomers


    I'm very new to chickens so please excuse my ignorance. I bought an EE hen the other day whom the seller said should start laying any day. But the more I look at those long iridescent tail feathers, the more I'm thinking "she" is actually a "he." Am I right?
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