Recent content by mr flower d

  1. mr flower d

    American serama thread!

    Very good looking bird
  2. mr flower d

    American serama thread!

    My chickys are starting to hatch I will get pictures when they are all done breaking out of there cells.
  3. mr flower d

    Pheasant Chicken Hybrids

    very cool looking birds i love the chocolate color. looking forward to seeing more pics.
  4. mr flower d

    Loud chickens... Easter Egger....

    why not get three different orpingtons. a buff, red, black or blue i didn't see any other colors maybe white. i don't have any so i cant say they are quiet or not.
  5. mr flower d

    American serama thread!

    Hi people. I have a Japanese silkie sitting on five serama eggs. It is day two. I am looking forward two my new friends. I will show pics when they hatch..
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