Recent content by MustangChick

  1. MustangChick

    Sexing easter eggers.

    Anyone want an EE cockeral?:he
  2. MustangChick

    Sexing easter eggers.

    I hope you don't mind terribly me hijacking your thread - I can't figure out for the LIFE of me how to start my own:idunnoI've been wondering the same thing about my EEs. They are about 16 weeks old. I only allowed 3 to hatch this time and I'm afraid they're all cockerels. Any opinions?
  3. MustangChick


    the woman I got him from thought originally he was frizzle/silkie mix. His pic brought the latter assumption. We'll see what the future holds:woot
  4. MustangChick


    These are the two roos and the mamma's a mystery How funny. silkies are all I have in that yard with the exception of the gifted black cochin
  5. MustangChick


    My partridge silkie hen has just hatched two of these. The father is either a black cochin (someone gave to me) or a buff silkie. Many, many silkies have come through my place and they all have had black beaks. Does anone have insight as to where the yellow beaks came from.
  6. MustangChick

    What do you call the color of this silkie chick?

    Gruff? I don't get it...:confused:
  7. MustangChick

    What do you call the color of this silkie chick?

    Her mother is a partridge and roo is a buff. There's gray in her tail and on her back under her wings.
  8. MustangChick

    I have a mean silkie rooster

    I, too, had a silkie roo like that. He attacked anyone and everyone. He was the worst with my granddaughter. We tried catching him mid-air and holding him upside down by his feet - all the way to the time-out box. we tried kicking him softly, but with enough force to send him back. I raised...
  9. MustangChick

    Silkie question- egg colors

    Mine all started to lay before their large breed counterparts - at about 5 -6 months. I have 7 of them:love
  10. MustangChick

    Silkie question- egg colors

    I have 5 silkie hens. All of their eggs are different sizes and slightly different in color, Their eggs will get bigger as they get older. Anyone who says that silkies are ependable layers hasn't met mine. I get an egg a day from each (unless they're broody).
  11. MustangChick

    Has anyone had their hen raise a duckling?

    My silkies hatched some Marans (full-size) and I never had any problems. Then I had a gold-laced wyandotte hatch some silkies - no problem, and those silkies roost at night:thumbsup. My friend has a duck that hatched some bantam chicks, and those little suckers swim. Your birds are more...
  12. MustangChick

    Topic of the Week - Beaks, spurs and nails

    I have had that problem with all of my chickens-not all at once, but it has affected them all. I finally took one in and asked my vet. It's "foul pox" - they get it from mosquitoes. Ironically, the chicken pox we get is carried by cows. Who knew:confused:? They will only get them once, just...
  13. MustangChick

    silkie sexing

    I have these 2 8-week old silkie chicks. Can anyone give me an educated guess as to the sex of each?
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