Recent content by newchick02

  1. newchick02

    no eggs.....what should i do?

    Thanks for all the replys. Its nice to know i am not the only one. I will try putting them back on grow pellets for now and see if it helps. Thanks for all of the ideas.
  2. newchick02

    no eggs.....what should i do?

    We have a few different breeds. Most are brahmas and one ameraucana. They are on purina egg layers pellets.
  3. newchick02

    no eggs.....what should i do?

    I am feeding them purina for egg layers. They have two nesting boxes inside their coop that i have wood shavings in and a ceramic egg in as well. The one chicken that is laying goes in the boxes but the other 5 still haven't produced anything.
  4. newchick02

    no eggs.....what should i do?

    I am new to raising chickens. We got 6 back in march of this year that were about 4-6 weeks old when bought. They are now kept in a large completely pinned in area with a large dog house as a coup. We check their food and water every day and some days when i am home i will let them run around...
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