no eggs.....what should i do?


Nov 11, 2015
I am new to raising chickens. We got 6 back in march of this year that were about 4-6 weeks old when bought. They are now kept in a large completely pinned in area with a large dog house as a coup. We check their food and water every day and some days when i am home i will let them run around our back yard. We are finally getting one egg a day with no egg every 3rd day. The rest of my flock is still not laying. Is there anything i should be looking for that might be prohibiting them from laying. I am at a loss and any ideas would be a big help. Thanks.
In addition to that do they have comfortable nesting boxes?

I am feeding them purina for egg layers. They have two nesting boxes inside their coop that i have wood shavings in and a ceramic egg in as well. The one chicken that is laying goes in the boxes but the other 5 still haven't produced anything.
Both those breeds can be poor layers and late to start, depending on the breeding behind them, I usually don't put my hens on layer until most are laying, you have some slow maturing breeds that would be better back on a non medicated grower to give them a bit more protein to finish growing and to have enough left to begin producing eggs.
I'm in the same boat. I have one Sussex and three Orpingtons all a little over 6 months old and no eggs. Met girls are on feather fixer. They have red combs and are even making the egg lying song.
I have a 6 month old Orpington that has not started laying yet either. I just figured shes slower maturing then my others. I still feed her grower since she is not laying. I wonder if now that the days are so short if she will even start now til spring? We get plenty of eggs still from our others hens so its fine. But I just have to constantly explain to my hubby why she does not have eggs. She is huge in comparison to the others so he thnks she should be laying.
Your Orpingtons should start soon, most begin around 6 months, they will start even with the shorter days, just 10 years ago hens beginning to lay at four months was an oddity, now it seems to be normal for a lot of laying breeds, Orpingtons are dual purpose so they don't start as early or lay as much. It will happen.
Thanks for all the replys. Its nice to know i am not the only one. I will try putting them back on grow pellets for now and see if it helps. Thanks for all of the ideas.

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