Recent content by Ningauble3020

  1. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    I'm having a heck of a time tying the rooster legs together without constricting them too tightly. The little bugger is struggling and scared and trying to kick me! Any ideas?
  2. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Agreed, BYC predicted these results. That's why I value this forum. There are decades of experience here. Too many times people say things that make sense but don't pan out, are partial truths or are tied to a context different from mine, or are outright bogus. Sometimes people pretend to...
  3. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    I experimented today with using CO2 to knock out a chicken pre-op. Here's what I discovered and hopefully other new caponizers can learn from my mistakes. I placed a 5 week old male American Bresse into a clear plastic tote about the size of a tall shoebox. I placed a cup with 2 tablespoons...
  4. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Thank you, Poco Pollo. I guess I was wondering if you cut between those ribs, should the cut be close to the spine?
  5. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Question about the incision site. As I've read and watched the caponizing videos, the testes are located nestled above the intestine and near to the back. So should the incision between the sixth and seventh rib get cut closer to the spine?
  6. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Terrific post! Thank you so much! I have to deal with these males and want to do so responsibly. My four Bresse hatched around 1/16/2021. I'm not sure of the gender at this point. I was thinking wait until I can see the color of the wattles, pink vs. beak colored to tell sex. My biggest...
  7. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Ok glad to hear your viewpoint. I was suspicious that the baking soda & vinegar would be close to a lethal dose and would only permit very brief dipping of the chicken into the gas maybe only a few seconds and would be dicey. Then if the are unconscious they may just expire and reviving...
  8. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Another cracker of an idea! Yes, very good idea.
  9. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    That's a great idea. Why didn't I think of that!
  10. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Here's a few I read on the CO2 for euthanasia and for analgesia and anesthetic ...there's a lot of risk there for sure but I don't want the birds to suffer and I'm not sure how else to go about the analgesic piece of the process. I don't want to hurt the birds more than the minimum amount...
  11. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Thank you very much! I appreciate that. The injectable calcium chloride at 20% has been used in a wide variety of mammals with better outcomes in dogs, cats, humans, guinea pigs, rats, mice and pigs. It leads to less inflammation and better survivability. I've not come up with anything new...
  12. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Sorry for typos on my cell! Great points! Ty for replying. Here's a link about using 20% saline aqueous solution injectable to cause necrotic tissue. It appears the body's immune response in rats and humans and in other studies donkeys was a better tolerance than traditional orchiectomy or...
  13. N

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Great pics, OP! I am getting some roos from a hatch of a dozen of American Bresse and I can only keep one intact. So I plan to pull the feathers off, mark the incision spot, put the bird into the CO2 chamber made with two boxes linked by tubing an release the vinegar and baking soda to produce...
  14. N

    White Cornish: Building a Quality, Sustainable Flock for Meat and More.....

    Would like to buy some hatching eggs from the white ones for shipment. How do I reach you, Fat Daddy?
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