Recent content by nonk72

  1. nonk72

    can you help me sex these please

    From what I can see 1,2,3,6,7 looks like females 5,8 looks like males. The 2 darker ones you will be able to tell by checking the vent (sexual part) when they get sexually active the males when pressing the vent will a foam like substance expel from it. It will appear to be a little swollen...
  2. nonk72

    Some of our new babies

    2 of our new babies Georgia Giants and Snow Flake bob whites.
  3. nonk72

    Cotornix quail stopped laying they are age of 8 weeks to 3 months old.

    I use the arrow game bird layer. You can see some crushed corn in it like the purina. The tag nutritional facts pretty much identical. It's just what it looked like to me with the waste I was getting. They will peck just to peck at times. Sometimes they still have food left and sometimes they...
  4. nonk72

    Cotornix quail stopped laying they are age of 8 weeks to 3 months old.

    I have 2" pvc pipe feeders with 1 1/4 holes in it. It was like they were eating the corn out of the feed and just pulling the feed out.
  5. nonk72

    Cotornix quail stopped laying they are age of 8 weeks to 3 months old.

    We had cut back on the feed cause we noticed a slow down last month in egg production and a lot of wasted feed being throwed out the feeders. They are on wire cages. We will increase the feed again and see what happens.
  6. nonk72

    Cotornix quail stopped laying they are age of 8 weeks to 3 months old.

    Feed them once a day in the evening. They have water available 24hrs/day. We get 13-14hrs/day sunlight. We were Getting 50-60 eggs/day and now just getting 15-20/ day. I have a fan in the top of my pen to help circulate the hot air due to the heat outside. Should I try to give them some feed in...
  7. nonk72

    Cotornix quail stopped laying they are age of 8 weeks to 3 months old.

    Is it normal for my quail to just stop laying this time of year. They are set up with water nipple system and get feed every evening.
  8. nonk72

    Sudden death of quails

    In the last week or so we have notice we are losing a couple quail. 2 days ago we lost 4 2 in one cage and 1 in 2 different cages. No signs of fighting of any kind. What can cause this.
  9. nonk72

    cortunix incubating

    I do mine at 99-100* and ^60 and on day 14 I increase to 80+. I know it may be over kill on humidity. But I have gotten good hatches since I started in February.
  10. nonk72

    Tiny quail egg

    The small egg was from a jumbo brown.
  11. nonk72

    Tiny quail egg

    I found this tiny acorn size egg today. Didn't know what it was at first. First thing I thought how did that acorn get in there.
  12. nonk72

    My quail are hatching!

    Just make sure your broader if ready (heated up) and have some water with some crushed feed for them.
  13. nonk72

    My quail are hatching!

    Wait till they are dry. Up to 24 hrs won't hurt. They will be ok they are probably just enjoying the taste of the leftover yoke. Mine does that to. You will notice they trample over everything Congrats & enjoy. Happy Mother's Day.
  14. nonk72

    Bobwhite quail

    Thanks for all the responses.
  15. nonk72

    Bobwhite quail

    We've only had them about a week now they are still all together. About day 4 I noticed one of the female follow me from one side the cage to the other. I've since been able to feed her out my hand and pet her occasionally. Thought that was pretty cool.
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