Recent content by nowifikris

  1. N

    My duck's chin inflated?

    Ooh, ive always wanted to visit Canada! I had plans to go live there when I was older some time ago. ooh, yeah! Its pretty cool when I think about it
  2. N

    My duck's chin inflated?

    Ooh, I didnt know about any of this! Im happy that she will keep making these sounds, i really love them:wee Thank you for telling me about this! I'm from Argentina! and you?
  3. N

    My duck's chin inflated?

    Oh yeah, I always try my best to not leave it completely alone with the cats! I dont really know how big it is, but this is compared to my hand the name is Lucky! it doesnt quack yet, it makes these kind of "pururu" sound? If its necessary ill try to record it lol, It does sometimes makes a...
  4. N

    My duck's chin inflated?

    Yea, she haves lots of company! we have 2 cats and 3 dogs, and she gets alone pretty well with both of the cats. Shes almost never alone, if there isnt any human with her she's with our cats, and if the cats arent near her she's with me and/or my family. We're trying to get the dogs to interact...
  5. N

    My duck's chin inflated?

    Thanks! I never actually thought of her being a female, the man who gave her to me told me that she was a male and we went with it. Yes, she's an only duck, but sadly i'm a minor and my mom doesnt want another duck. She knows that the duck needs a friend, but she totally refuses to get another...
  6. N

    My duck's chin inflated?

    Hello! English isnt my first language, so i'm very sorry if I wronged the title incredibly wrong or anything else in the post. I have a male duck, around 3-5 months old, not sure of his breed but i'll add a photo of him. I also have this female cat, and he follows her around and sometimes...
  7. N

    What can happen to a duck from insecticide for mosquitos?

    My mom is making me give him milk instead of those flushes, would that be alright?
  8. N

    What can happen to a duck from insecticide for mosquitos?

    sorry if my english is bad ! My boy Lucky is a BIG fan of eating cockroaches, and my grandmas house happens to be full of thwm. My mom sprayed this thing (image) at them, its insecticide for mosquitos but she sprays it at the cockroaches to kill them, and he just ate 2 of the ones that were...
  9. N

    male duck making a kinda fart noise

    Not sure, but if it helps this is him
  10. N

    male duck making a kinda fart noise

    Ive had him for 2 weeks, I dont know his age but he's still a baby, and he started doing this weird noise two days ago. Its a high pff sound, not a pitched one tho. It kinda sounds like a fart or a snore. I started to notice him doing this after I let him swim a little, and he usually does it...
  11. N

    weak duck after being out in the cold and falling

    My male duck was outside in 14° for a few minutes(10 or 15), when I carried him inside he jumped out from my arms and fell in his back. He was limping after that, i left him in the box I leave him at in night with some sheets so he isnt cold, but he looks a little weak. Usually when I open his...
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