Recent content by NWFoodie

  1. NWFoodie

    Indian Runner Duckling -Fright Seizures?

    So far so good, no seizures in three days now! Not sure if it’s the vitamins or the fact that I’m VERY CAREFUL not to startle her, but I’m not the only one around, my husband and two grandchildren are here as well as two large German Shepherd dogs, all of whom periodically look in on them and I...
  2. NWFoodie

    Indian Runner Duckling -Fright Seizures?

    @Miss Lydia yes I did, Plus a multivitamin in their water. No seizures today. Not sure it’s had time to be the bcomplex but I’m hoping this will cure what ails her poor think. Thank you so much
  3. NWFoodie

    Indian Runner Duckling -Fright Seizures?

    Thank you so much. Is this what you are talking about? I don’t have that type of store in my area, although we do have a farm store so maybe they’d have it. I’ll check tomorrow. Thank you for the advice.
  4. NWFoodie

    Indian Runner Duckling -Fright Seizures?

    I gave my 3 week old fawn and white Indian runner duck from metzer farms a fright tonight by trying to change the duckling’s water whilst they were sleeping and she appeared to have a seizure.. she kind of squealed when she saw me and then fell over and twitched for several seconds. I thought...
  5. NWFoodie

    Building a run for my duck babies

    Building a run for my duck babies
  6. NWFoodie

    Thinking about the coop

    Thinking about the coop
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