Recent content by ojhayes

  1. ojhayes

    Delayed and sporadic broodiness - how long will eggs stay viable

    My chicken wasn't completely committed to sitting on her eggs at first. It took approx 10 days from the time she laid them until she started sitting on them continuously. During the first 10 days, she would only sit on them randomly, mostly during the day. I don't know if she sat on them at...
  2. ojhayes

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    OjHAYES -Amazing coop. Regarding protection, on the side(so) where the ivy is closer to peak of roof is that chicken wire. My first flock was killed because of the use of chicken wire. Coons will rip chicken wire early.. Edited by redfish514 - Yesterday at 6:02 pm redfish - What should I use...
  3. ojhayes

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    From what I have read about egg production, I think I should be getting eggs anytime now. I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. Do the nesting boxes have to be enclosed? Mine are in what I call the nesting box "condo" inside of my combo coop/run. Do they need more privacy than that...
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