post your chicken coop pictures here!

I finally got around to taking a few pics of my coop and run..
We have two 20 foot storage containers, with a lot of space in between that wasn't being used. So I fenced it off on either end.
The coop itself is 8x8 with a nesting box you can't quite see.

You can also see my auto sprouter.

The chickens also have satellite internet.

I will not hunt a predator down, However if the situation arises, I will do whatever it takes to protect my girls.

As far as I know, in every state it is legal to kill predators, including protected species, if they are harming people or livestock. You do have to have evidence pointing to the specific animal as actually in the process of causing harm in most cases. You can't just kill any wolf, for instance, because a wolf killed one of your animals. Along the lines of self defense in human vs human cases.
OjHAYES -Amazing coop. Regarding protection, on the side(so) where the ivy is closer to peak of roof is that chicken wire. My first flock was killed because of the use of chicken wire. Coons will rip chicken wire early..
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From what I have read about egg production, I think I should be getting eggs anytime now. I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. Do the nesting boxes have to be enclosed? Mine are in what I call the nesting box "condo" inside of my combo coop/run. Do they need more privacy than that? I could modify it if necessary.

That is super cute. I agree with redfish on the chicken wire. It is meant to keep chickens where you want them, nothing more.

Re nest boxes. Everyone/chicken has a different opinion. My original nest box is a 4' community box attached to the outside of the coop (converted horse stall in an old barn so it is inside even though it is outside
). One access hole. The other is a 3 nest (~12"x14") open box over which I recently mounted an angled piece of OSB to keep the younger chickens from roosting on the dividers. For the most part, only the 2 Anconas use the community box even though it was the first box all the girls had for about a year. But if I have pulled the plastic eggs from the open boxes (to keep the broodies from "sitting" them), but left the one in the community box, other hens will use the community. Likewise if there is no plastic egg in the community box, the Anconas will switch to the open boxes. I had pulled the plastic eggs from the open boxes last week and the BAs (only ones laying at the moment) moved to the community box and I guess haven't noticed that I put the plastic eggs back in the open boxes because I'm still finding their eggs in the community.

The only "issue" I had with the open boxes was the 2 dividers were originally angled from the high back down to the front (like your individual nests in fact) and the girls would mess with the one in the next box over. I added another trapezoid piece to each so they were level with the top of the box in the back and no more issues.
From what I have read about egg production, I think I should be getting eggs anytime now. I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. Do the nesting boxes have to be enclosed? Mine are in what I call the nesting box "condo" inside of my combo coop/run. Do they need more privacy than that? I could modify it if necessary.
I love the look of your coop. I do agree with others though that some predator proofing is in order. With regards to nest box privacy, my girls would probably find your setup too open. I have large birds yet they've picked the smallest, darkest nest box as their favorite to lay in. If I used your "condo" my birds would probably choose to lay in the darker, more protected corners between the nest boxes. I have one girl who lays in the late afternoon when the sun light in the coop shines on the opposite side. She uses a different nest than all the others, but until I figured it out and stuck a nest box on that side, I'd occasionally find her nesting on the floor. You can encourage them to lay in the boxes by putting fake eggs in the boxes, but sometimes they just pick their own spot.
OjHAYES -Amazing coop. Regarding protection, on the side(so) where the ivy is closer to peak of roof is that chicken wire. My first flock was killed because of the use of chicken wire. Coons will rip chicken wire early..
Edited by redfish514 - Yesterday at 6:02 pm

redfish - What should I use on the sides instead of the chicken wire?
[COLOR=333333]OjHAYES -Amazing coop. Regarding protection, on the side(so) where the ivy is closer to peak of roof is that chicken wire. My first flock was killed because of the use of chicken wire. Coons will rip chicken wire early.. [/COLOR]Edited by redfish514 - Yesterday at 6:02 pm redfish - What should I use on the sides instead of the chicken wire?
I'd recommend hardware cloth. It's more expensive but really the only thing that wi stand up to determined predators. Or you could use 2x4 welded wire but you'd have to line it with something anyway as the gaps are still big enough for something to reach in but at least they can't completely get in, except maybe snakes and mice. But anyway, I think the recommendation is usually 1/2 inch hardware cloth but I forget, there might be a better size
OjHAYES -Amazing coop. Regarding protection, on the side(so) where the ivy is closer to peak of roof is that chicken wire. My first flock was killed because of the use of chicken wire. Coons will rip chicken wire early..
Edited by redfish514 - Yesterday at 6:02 pm

redfish - What should I use on the sides instead of the chicken wire?
You need to use 1/4" hardware cloth. It is expensive but it is worth it. I've had people tell me that I need to use hardware cloth for the entire coop and run. I feel that is unnecessary. I use the hardware cloth only on the areas where the chickens sleep/rest against and use 2" by 4" welded wire fencing everywhere else. It's a sinking feeling to find a hole ripped through chicken wire. There may be other options, this has just worked for me.
Ah I wasn't sure what the other size was. And also sorry for answering, thought I knew but evidently got the size wrong haha although, would 1/2" work too? Or only 1/4"? And we're going to use an old dog kennel I think, would I need to line it with hardware cloth or do you think it would be similar to the welded wire and okay? I need to secure some corners and places it's starting to peel up but I think it might be okay? Or if I line the bottom 2 feet with hardware cloth? I think the thing's not very wide and I've heard raccoons can reach through holes and rip heads off?

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