Recent content by patientgoldens

  1. patientgoldens

    Good afternoon from East Texas:)

    Chicks are doing great! Feathers are coming in well and their personalities are really starting to form. We clean the brooder 2x a day and make sure it stays as clean as possible. Today we added a perch and we have seen several of them up on it. One of our bantams will be a frizzy as her wings...
  2. patientgoldens

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    If y dangerouschicken does that kind of feeder work better at keeping the litter out of it? My dang chickens get so much litter in theirs in like 10 minutes they can even see the feed any more. I have to clean it out a million times a day and end up waisting so much feed. If you put the...
  3. patientgoldens

    What kind and how many other animals do you have?

    10 buffs 9 br 6 bantams 7 California rabbits 4 cats 2-bengals,1 simese,1 rescue 5 golden retrievers 1 turtle 1 hermit crab 3 horses And hopefully a milk cow soon LOL :-) It's so wonderful to live with pets. I know my house isn't the cleanest and we frequently have babies we tend to in the...
  4. patientgoldens

    Posting pictures from mobile

    Yes I have an iPhone 4s anyway to post pics?
  5. patientgoldens

    Good afternoon from East Texas:)

    Hi redsoxs in Kansas, how do I post a pic? I'm doing it from my phone and it doesn't give me a URL to put in.
  6. patientgoldens

    Good afternoon from East Texas:)

    I've read BYC for a while now and I've finally decided to get on board. We are starting out with barred Plymouth rocks, buff orpingtons, and a few bantams. I'm curious if anyone can tell me what kind of bantams I have since they were assorted and I have no clue what they may look like later. Ok...
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