Recent content by phillip26

  1. phillip26

     feeder ideas

    Ive figured out the feeders i have 2 that i made from 3 gallon buckets and extra large dog food pans that hang around breast level to the hens it works very well
  2. phillip26

     feeder ideas

    What are you using pellets or crumbles? If you are using pellets try crumbles my chickens wont eat anything other than crumbles
  3. phillip26

    Killer Chicken

    I would eat that one i have one that attacks the others but doesnt destroy eggs but she is going to the freezer soon
  4. phillip26

    Broody in favorite nest box- now none are laying

    I have heard that adding younger chicks changes the hormone balance and can make them stop laying but i dont know if that is true.
  5. phillip26

    Picking New Layers

    If you are wanting red stars they are a hybrid and can only get a true red star/red sexlink/ golden comet from a rhode island red rooster and rhode island white hen.
  6. phillip26

     this is new to me

    My hens will ignore everything but the layer crumbles
  7. phillip26

     feeder ideas

    I made a feeder from a 2.5 gallon bucket it hold around 10 or 15 pounds of feed they arent wasyimg any and seem much more active and laying better so im going to assume they are actually getting what they need and not wasting it all
  8. phillip26

    My Ameraucauna won't use the nesting box...

    I put about 6 nests in my coop for my 8 hens they wont touch them they will drag the straw out of a nest to a corner and lay there. The next day i can empty the corner out and they will do the same so i gave in and let em all lay in the corner. Makes it easier to collect eggs that way
  9. phillip26

    new member

    The vet wrap thing didnt work at all for me. So now they seem to be responding to the rubber band and drinking straw thing
  10. phillip26

    How old is too old for eating rooster?

    Should be about right at this time.
  11. phillip26

     feeder ideas

    I figured out how in going to make the feeder its a bucket with a pan bolted to it and several holes thats about 1 inch to try to keep the level in the pan low enough to prevent waste
  12. phillip26

     feeder ideas

    Thank you i got these hens from my dad and he claimed that he used 100 pounds of layer in a month for 25 hens so i figured there was something going on
  13. phillip26

    Best animals to have in a garden?

    Guinea fowl are good to let in a garden they seem to only eat the bugs and leave the plants alone
  14. phillip26

     feeder ideas

    I am looking for an idea to make a feeder for my chickens i have 8 laying hens and the layer crumble seems to just vanish. I have went through almost 50 pounds in two weeks of havjng these hens. I dont know if this is normal or im giving to much and they just scratch it all away. Ideas?
  15. phillip26

    How tame can a chicken be ?

    3 of my hens wont let me come in the lot or coop without petting them they follow me like puppies
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