Recent content by PrichardsChicks

  1. PrichardsChicks

    Ancona ducks?

    I just ordered eggs and am excited to add these to my flock. Anyone have any tips on habitat that you have noticed them really enjoying? I am always striving for a healthy happy flock, thanks for any tips
  2. PrichardsChicks

    What's your best egg bake recipe?

    I have started getting a good supply of eggs from my little lady's, and I have been playing around with a couple of recipes off of the net. Just curious to see what everyone else is doing..
  3. PrichardsChicks

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Just got my first two eggs on Saturday, so excited!
  4. First three eggs so excited!

    First three eggs so excited!

  5. PrichardsChicks

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    I love my goldens, they really have come around friendly wise since I started feeding them treats. Now I can't keep them off my lap.
  6. My rooster and a couple of his ladys.

    My rooster and a couple of his ladys.

  7. PrichardsChicks

    golden laced wyandotte pullets at what age will the start laying

    My goldens are 23 weeks and nothing yet, red combs but not too much of a Waddle tho. They are getting big tho. I'm wondering if our daylight savings time threw them out of wack. It's time turn on the light, perhaps that will jump start them. Anyone have any tips? Besides don't hold your breath lol
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