Recent content by PugHappy

  1. P

    Sand for the run

    I guess I am odd person out here...I love my sand! I have it in the coop and run. It has to be washed COARSE construction sand. I buy Quickrete All Purpose Sand at Lowes. You do not want sand that clumps easily like play sand and other fine sands. I clean both coop and run daily within...
  2. P

    Which feeder is best?? The step on auto or pvc pipe??

    THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!! I was looking at doing this but the instructions I found online used cement glue and I did not want to use that! I do not like the kind where the birds stick their neck and heads in and I wanted something that was a straight shot easy to clean later. This also works...
  3. P

    Average Chick Weight (bantams and standards)???

    I appreciate your question and updates. I weigh my chicks (daily) and pullets (weekly or daily if on Corid) also! My chicken mentor says it indicates best practices! I just like it for information and I think it also helps to identify possible issues early. My EE is coming up on 4 weeks old...
  4. P

    Healthy Weight gain for chicks and pullets

    I have searched and asked experience owners for a guideline or weight gain growth chart for larger breeds (EE, Barred Rock, Bielefelder, etc.) and cannot find anything. What is a healthy rate of weight gain for chicks and pullets? TIA
  5. P

    Easter Egger or Crested cream legbar?

    I am with you on that!! I have an "EE" hen that I suspect surely has some link to CCL! She is 11/12 weeks and has a semi-crest mini mohawk, yellow legs, strong prominent yellow beak, very alert and active and really can take or leave humans.
  6. P

    What good egglaying and friendly breeds are the best mix to have together in one flock (raised by hand together)?

    That is so true about what is really the problem!! Also confirms my thoughts on folks overthinking it and seems to just vary per flock per chicken anyway. I have a place to purchase so what they offer narrows the selctions greatly. I was thinking if one breed got along better with another that...
  7. P

    What good egglaying and friendly breeds are the best mix to have together in one flock (raised by hand together)?

    THANKS!! Yes, I did pick up on the active foragers and thought...nope! I will take a look at the resources you mentioned.
  8. P

    What good egglaying and friendly breeds are the best mix to have together in one flock (raised by hand together)?

    What good egg laying and friendly breeds are the best mix to have together in one flock (raised by hand together)?
  9. P


    Anyone here in VA used Kroeger's Critter Keepers to build coops?
  10. P

    Anyone used Kroeger's Critter Keepers or Carolina Coops? Looking for feedback and recomendations on custom builders.

    We would specify open soffits in our plan as well as ridge and gable venting. We typically have mild winters but the summers are HOT (100+ degrees) and humid! Have pretty good drainage at the site for coop, winds mostly from the N/NE. Link:
  11. P

    Anyone used Kroeger's Critter Keepers or Carolina Coops? Looking for feedback and recomendations on custom builders.

    Yes, right! The price tag though!! We just need a smaller design. I requested a quote on a custom build....we shall see.
  12. P

    Anyone used Kroeger's Critter Keepers or Carolina Coops? Looking for feedback and recomendations on custom builders.

    Thank you. Been doing tons of research for design. Have a pretty good idea of what we want. Just seems like it will need to be a custom build as we have to meet certain restrictions for the county - max is 20sq ft coop and 40 sq ft run and also certain features we would rather have. Carolina...
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