Easter Egger or Crested cream legbar?

Oh I love them!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Everyone kept telling me there was no way they were easter eggers because the yellow legs and single combs! Within the last week though their feet have been turning greenish. So I'm wondering if they'll eventually be green. What color eggs do yours lay??
They are not laying yet. They are only about 9 weeks old. People on the thread i posted said they had some that looked like ours and layed green. So fingers crossed!
I got 4 pullets from TSC and they were labeled Easter Eggers. As they grow they are reminding me of Crested Cream Legbars. I could be 100% wrong but I haven't ever come across mohawked Easter Eggers before (doesn't mean they don't exist though!) Their feet are starting to turn a greenish color too. Thoughts?! I also think one is a rooster haha!


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Fergie is definitely an EE and she has had this crop on the top of her head since she was small. About 1/3 of mine have thus tuft of feathers.
I guess my point was, the blue egg gene being passed on was from a legbar, not ameraucana, however far back that may have been. 🤷‍♀️ because to get an easter egger you cross a blue egg gene with a brown egg gene right? I mean i know you can cross an ee with an ee... but the ee is a mutt of a blue and a brown. So as far as i understand it In this case the blue was from a legbar.... thats the info i got from others when i had questions about mine.
I am with you on that!! I have an "EE" hen that I suspect surely has some link to CCL! She is 11/12 weeks and has a semi-crest mini mohawk, yellow legs, strong prominent yellow beak, very alert and active and really can take or leave humans.


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