Recent content by RainyDayChicks

  1. RainyDayChicks

    Chickens in the northwest

    Thank you and glad to be here (:
  2. Food coloring in milk with drops of oil (:

    Food coloring in milk with drops of oil (:

  3. RainyDayChicks

    Neighbor's Dog Attacking Flock

    My dog killed three of our chickens. At first we thought it was a raccoon, and that our dog was the protector, but a bit too late we did find out it was our dog. We have a secure chicken run, so we had to keep them in there for a while while we trained our dog. He doesn't have a problem now...
  4. RainyDayChicks

    Chickens in the northwest

    Hi everyone! We currently have 8 chickens in Washington state. I live in Ravensdale, ( look up kanaskat Palmer state park, I live right across from that) I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a lovebird, a bearded dragon, a tiny water frog and a sucker fish. (::bun
  5. RainyDayChicks

    First Time Chick Mama

    Awesome! Now you have your own chicken family!
  6. Maude, Dumpling, Chirp & Blanche as gangly little almost-pullets

    Maude, Dumpling, Chirp & Blanche as gangly little almost-pullets

  7. Long-legged chickies

    Long-legged chickies

  8. Blanche, Dumpling, Chirp & Maude

    Blanche, Dumpling, Chirp & Maude

  9. Chirp


  10. My flock

    My flock

  11. Default


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