Recent content by Richb353

  1. Richb353

    Why do poeple think that eating duck eggs is gross?

    Hello, Right now I'm averaging 5 eggs a day. Quite a few people at work absolutely love farm fresh duck eggs, grown local and healthy. I can eat them in pancakes and waffles, but can't do omelets, fried eggs, etc.. I know where they came from! With good accuracy, I can tell the specific bird...
  2. Richb353

    New to having a flock

    Welcome, -I have a large orange grove next to my 5 acres my flock likes to wander into. However here are my suggestions for getting them to return home. -I feed my flock twice a day, at the same times (before and after work), and in the same spot of the yard. -I will call out to them so they...
  3. Richb353

    How messy/appropriate are ducks?

    Awesome post, My first suspicion with town A is that they would have a restriction on chickens but not ducks. I would double check they specifically said "chickens" and not "poultry". Sorry to be cynical, but it seems too easy for code enforcement to pencil in "ducks" next to the chicken...
  4. Richb353

    investigative project

    Here is my suggestion: The recent trend here in Central Florida has been to allow homeowners in urban areas to keep a limited number of poultry birds within their backyards. Basically, an increasing number of municipalities are allowing people to keep poultry as pets as they would a cat or dog...
  5. Richb353

    Local duck pond please

    Here is a suggestion, Contact the local Parks Department or Code Enforcement to see if they can post some official looking signs in the area to educate the public. At a minimum the local rescue could get permission to post some educational signs. Not to be too offensive, but all the sign would...
  6. Richb353

    Ducks being killed

    Sorry about your heartbreak, I lost most of my first batch of ducks when I first started my hobby farm to predators. In my experience it sounds like raccoon. Coyote and I suspect bobcat are always moving and will grab an entire bird and run off with it. One benefit, if you can capture/kill...
  7. Richb353

    Meet my six ducks...

    Love me some Cayugas
  8. Richb353

    Cayuga started laying have a few ???

    Welcome, With my girls, the first few eggs are small and nearly black. I suppose after some practice, the eggs turn a light grey and are significantly larger. Love me my Cayugas!
  9. Richb353

    duck house size?

    Hello, Are you going to leave it in the same spot, or move the duck house from time to time? I put wheels on one end of mine and move it like a wheelbarrow to a fresh patch of grass once a week. As long as I put the flock away at night, I have not lost any ducks to predators. Enjoy, Rich
  10. Richb353

    pekin ducks will they come back

    I feed my ducks twice a day in the same spot not too far from their duck house. Now that I've done this for about a year, the flock comes running to me at breakfast and dinner time (which happens to be when I get home from work). After dinner (around dusk), they know to meander to their house...
  11. Richb353

    Cayuga or welsh?

    Both, about a dozen of each!! I picked both breeds because they are endangered, Welsh are critically endangered. I have no plans on eating the birds, however the eggs are delicious! Cayuga are one of the few native American birds, and I've actually been camping at Lake Cayuga in the...
  12. Richb353

    What did I learn today?

    :lau Awesome name, I was going to call one of mine "Boogiesnack". Does he know when it's feeding time? I've fed my ducks routinely twice a day in the same spot for the past year or so. I feed them by hand as often as I can which keeps them friendly, but also makes them easy to grab. Good...
  13. Richb353

    Duck Pen

    Hey there, My 10'x10' pen provides plenty of room (100 sq ft) for my flock of 21 full grown ducks. I've read that a healthy area for each bird is about 3-5 feet, which puts me in good shape. I'm probably going to get another 8-10 females in the near future as well. The herd free roam the...
  14. Richb353

    So....where are my eggs?

    I recently discovered my eggs were disappearing shortly after dawn which was also shortly after I left for work. At first I thought it was possum, but after watching one morning to see for myself, I discovered it was CROW! Yep, I saw three crow eat some of the leftover duck food I had thrown...
  15. Richb353


    Welcome, My flock of 21 won't jump in my lap on command, but they have gotten used to me. A couple of things that at least keep them friendly to me is that I am usually the person who feeds them twice a day. They know the routine and come running when they see me approaching for breakfast and...
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