Duck Pen

well its not a permanet home they would need to probably only go in there at night, since that seems a bit small.

perosnally i would leave the kiddie pool outside and let them free range during the day so the ground doesnt turn to mush.
well its not a permanet home they would need to probably only go in there at night, since that seems a bit small. 

perosnally i would leave the kiddie pool outside and let them free range during the day so the ground doesnt turn to mush. 

Alright. If I let them loose during he day would a hawk or anything like that take them away while I'm at school?
it has never happened to me before since they are so big i dont think a hawk could carry them off or anything. they certainly cannot carry a rouen my rouens have actually attacked any hawks that have comenear as soon as the hawk would touch the ground.
ohh i thought they were full grown, my bad. at 5 weeks that should be a good enough place for them just be sure that nothing can climb over or get into the pen especially snakes they eat anything even an adolecent baby duck

but at that age that should be big enough for them with the pool and everything :)
ohh i thought they were full grown, my bad. at 5 weeks that should be a good enough place for them just be sure that nothing can climb over or get into the pen especially snakes they eat anything even an adolecent baby duck 

but at that age that should be big enough for them with the pool and everything :)

It's ok and great! The pen is a chain link one. Could critters get into that easily?
yes escepcially snakes can go through the bars, raccoons could climb over and in and hawks can dive down on them

i used hardware cloths and chicken wire to attach to my chain link fence so nothing can get in and for a roof i used chicken wire for sunny day and i put a tin roof on when it rains :) very easy to do
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Hey there,
My 10'x10' pen provides plenty of room (100 sq ft) for my flock of 21 full grown ducks. I've read that a healthy area for each bird is about 3-5 feet, which puts me in good shape. I'm probably going to get another 8-10 females in the near future as well. The herd free roam the rest of the day, so their quack shack is for their protection after dark. If you cannot let your ducks free range, then 10'x10' is still a good size for your flock.


However, before the birds were full sized, they stayed in this pen all the time, only allowed out when I was nearby to supervise. I've seen hawk and eagle during the day, but they have never tried to take a full sized duck (even Welsh Harlequin; one of the smaller breeds).

I put wheels on one end of my duck house and move it to a fresh patch of grass every weekend. You may not need to move yours as often with only 3 ducks, but the ground will eventually get muddy and well fertilized.


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