Recent content by SkylineFarms

  1. SkylineFarms

    Are these Blue Mille or Gold Neck d' Uccles?

    When you order Blue Mille Fleur d'Uccles from Ideal, you are going to receive not only Blue Milles (blue) but also Mille Fleur (black), and Golden Necks (splash or dominant white). Your chicks are Golden Necks. Golden Necks come in different color shades. Your birds are likely going to be a...
  2. SkylineFarms

    D'uccle Thread

    Actually, Golden Neck is one of the few colors that can be bred with Mille Fleur for pure colored chicks as true Golden Neck is esstentially just the dominant white gene added to a Mille Fleur colored bird. Mille Fleur crossed to homozygous Golden Neck = 100% Golden Neck chicks Mille Fleur...
  3. SkylineFarms

    D'uccle and gold laced Cochin ?

    It's a Mille Fleur D'uccle. Golden Neck D'uccles are more orange in color.
  4. SkylineFarms

    Faverolles Thread

    Thank You. I think I see blue in her tail but it is very light so it is definitely possible that she could be splash. I'm new to the blue salmon color and she is the first not-salmon hen that I've raised. Yes, it has been like this since early spring.
  5. SkylineFarms

    Faverolles Thread

    Hello again everyone! My newest batch of Faverolles are all grown up and I am absolutely smitten with them. :) Here are a few of my favorites. This is "Poof". She is HUGE compared to my other Faverolles. Love her! "Pepper", my upcoming bachelor. And "Snow", whom I think is Blue Salmon...
  6. SkylineFarms

    Ideal Faverolle, pullet or cockerel?

    Those are pullets. Here is a picture of some of my Faverolles cockerels. They are older than yours, but you can tell that the cockerels are much darker than your chicks are.
  7. SkylineFarms

    Blue Favorolle roo or hen?

    Your chick is not a Faverolles as it does not appear to have five toes. Also, blue Faverolles are extremely rare. To my knowledge, there is only a handful of breeders in the US have them.
  8. SkylineFarms

    You Have What I Want, I Have What You Want. Lets Swap!!

    I have... Belgian D'uccle Hatching Eggs (Mille Fleur, Golden Neck, & White) Blue Salmon Faverolles Hatching Eggs (Available in September) Swap Page (In Signature) Would like to trade for... Mille Fleur/Calico Cochin Eggs Bearded Silkie Eggs (Any color but White or Partridge) Sizzle Eggs Black...
  9. SkylineFarms

    Smoky Mtn East TN

    bumping this thread up to the top Just ordered some bantam white Ameraucana eggs to come in the mail next week. Super exited, and nervous! If anyone is interested in Faverolles or D'uccles, send me a PM. I have over 30 available right now, various ages. Hope everyone is having a good summer!
  10. SkylineFarms

    Incuview Incubator

    I personally don't use a hydrometer. I adjust humidity according to air cell growth. The link "Hatching Eggs 101" in my signature explains how to use this method.
  11. SkylineFarms

    Found A Sick Chicken Crossing the Road (no joke, really!)

    I'm from East Tennessee as well and I have also had a bad experience with sick chickens. Let's just say that there are some very shady sellers around here that don't have any problems with selling obviously sick animals. I would avoid purchasing chickens at the many auctions and swap meets...
  12. SkylineFarms

    2 week old salmon faverolle sex?

    Their secondary feathers aren't grown out enough for me to make a definite answer. Wait another week and post again. However, #3 is definitely a pullet.
  13. SkylineFarms

    Salmon Faverolle feathers

    In my experience, Salmon Faverolles take forever to fully feather out. I am assuming that your pullet is a 5-week-old? I have some 4-week-olds in my brooder right now. I'll take a picture of them this evening so that you can compare her feathering to how mine are coming along.
  14. SkylineFarms

    Belgian D'uccle & LF Faverolles Hatching Eggs

    I am bumping this up to the top since I just reopened the thread.
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