Recent content by Snilref

  1. Snilref

    Comment by 'Snilref' in article 'How to Pick up a Chicken'

    You are succinct if nothing else.
  2. Snilref

    Comment by 'Snilref' in article 'The Light Sussex'

    I love the coloring on this variety of Sussex.
  3. Snilref

    Egg Dating

    Hell everyone. I have 8 hens, and I get somewhere between 5 and 7 eggs a day. We occasionally give away a 1/2 dozen to neighbors and friends, but we don't sell any yet. I'm wondering if there could be any benefit to putting dates on our eggs to keep track of when they were laid.
  4. Snilref

    Fence Material

    And the hardware cloth I was considering is 1/2" x 1/2" 19 gauge galvanized steel.
  5. Snilref

    Fence Material

    I was hoping for a predator proof run. I've seen a skunk up on the hilltop where we live. And we see an occasional dog wandering around. Neighbors have reported snakes, but I haven't seen any. I inherited the fence wire we have, so I had to use my calipers to measure the specifics. The holes...
  6. Snilref

    Fence Material

    We're building a new coop and run, and we have a bunch of dog fence wire. A lot of posts here talk about using hardware cloth to keep critters out. But is critter fence wire just as good?
  7. Snilref

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 eggs from 8 chickens. That's pretty typical at our place.
  8. Snilref

    Comment by 'Snilref' in article 'Hen Hideout'

    What a great idea. I'm just starting to build a new coop & run. But I may change directions after seeing this.
  9. Snilref

    Comment by 'Snilref' in article 'The Frizzle Cochin'

    Are they decent egg-layers?
  10. Snilref

    My First eggs

    My 8 girls would all lay in 1 box for the first couple weeks we had them. And then one day they all switched to laying in a different box.
  11. Snilref

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    My wife and I only recently became chicken parents. But we've already fallen in love with the whole scene. We love our girls. Love your stories as well.
  12. Snilref

    Review by 'Snilref' in article 'Loveland Wichita Knockoff'

    Very thorough. I love this coop, and I'm hoping to build one just like it this summer.
  13. Snilref

    Happy to find you all

    Wow. Lots of friendly people here. And I've already learned so much on this site. Thanks everybody.
  14. Snilref

    Chicken Breeds

    What makes her 'hatchery quality'?
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