Recent content by swbradley

  1. swbradley

    German Bielefelder Roosters!

    I have two Rare Bielefelder roosters for sale. Both are 4 months old. They are beautiful birds, but I am not allowed to keep roosters where I live. $20 per rooster. I am in Montgomery County Maryland.
  2. swbradley

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Just finished my new coop and run!
  3. swbradley

    Sick quail

    What type of quail? How old is she? Does she act sickly?
  4. swbradley

    A hello and a thank you

    That is awesome! Congratulations!
  5. swbradley

    Question 1001 :/

    momofseven, None of mine are fully automatic. I hear they are great! Let me know after you use it.
  6. swbradley

    Protecting quail from wind

    SuseyQ, I do not mix my groups together. Sometimes I just clean one cage at a time. When I am power washing, I use several for each group. The polycarb panel I use is actually a clear roofing panel. HD sells them for $20 for a 26" x 8 ft panel. I just use one and cut it to...
  7. swbradley

    Question 1001 :/

    I have 3. They are all forced air. My first was a still air Hovabator, but I installed a computer fan and it made a huge difference.
  8. swbradley

    Help! 4 chickens pecking on 1

    It is likely they are challenging the current pecking order. They will likely work it out on their own. I would not intervene unless you see blood or something serious.
  9. swbradley

    How old is my pullet?

    I would guess 4 months.
  10. swbradley

    Dangit, a hawk just got my banty rooster...

    Sorry for your loss! They will calm down within a few days.
  11. swbradley

    New waterer and feeder! (And slight troubles w/waterer)

    Sometimes I use a heat gun on the waterer hole before screwing the nipple in. It helps me get it completely threaded in without drilling the hole bigger. Good luck!
  12. swbradley

    Easy coop idea

    Hey Odyssey, Just curious...have you tried one of the kits?
  13. swbradley

    Early season McMurray chicks dying

    It is hard to say what it is. I would give them some electrolyte. Sometimes the change in temperature from shipping to brooder can be a problem. You can make your on electrolyte 1 Cup Water 2 teaspoons sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon baking soda Add this to one gallon of their drinking...
  14. swbradley

    Incubation Egg Weight Loss

    I have analyzed me weight numbers for a while. I have found my best hatch rates come with a target loss of 13%. I think the controversy comes because of all the factors. For example, amount of oxygen in the bator plays an important role, especially in the last phase. I do my lockdown on day 14.
  15. swbradley

    Quail Chicks or eggs?

    Here is a picture of my brooder. I use pvc board. It never needs painting, does not absorb, and never rots. I get scrap pieces at a residential construction site near my home. The big box stores sell it, but it is pricey. I use 1/4 hardware cloth stapled to the under edges of the board. For the...
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