post your chicken coop pictures here!

To the chuckens are enjoying being outside. I know mine do.
not at all These crazy 2 legged things keep feeding them clover.
I would not: those things cost hundreds of dollars and, and while "cute", are poorly constructed, with stapled on 1/4" pine wainscotting for walls ..... a hungry coon would get in there if he really wanted to .....  they are also too small for more than a couple of birds ..... 

one could do better with nothing more than a few repurposed pallets, a roll of hardware cloth,  a couple sheets of 3/8" plywood, some screws and a cordless drill.....

I agree too!! We bought one and we're building a regular coop this spring! My parents wanted something fast to move them out so we bought it on sale at TSC and they were outside permanently from 7 weeks but in and out for a week or two before that. We didn't think it was predator proof so removed the tiny run and put it inside an old dog kennel 6x12 we had. I would NOT trust it by itself. Its also maybe only 3x3 or less, hard to clean, and we have (8) 17 week old pullets in it right now. Way too small. Will be building a 4x8 coop and 8x50+ foot run in spring. Wish I would have done it from the beginning. And you bump it and the whole thing shifts. It looked way bigger in the pictures

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The kids feeding chickens is too cute.

it took me four years....
And I have had computers since before hard drive days....
Even built my first three.

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I really like the design of this coop. Can you share the plans for this coop or where you got the plans for this coop?
We are having a hard time finding some kind of plans/design to go on this being our first coop.

Thanks for the help/advice.

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