Recent content by taffee50

  1. taffee50

    Old hen laid first time in a year. Now butt bleeding.

    Thank you everybody. All chickies eat healthy. We make a formula. I think her poor vent wasn't used to it after so long. It didn't look like pecking. Why would she lay after such a long dormant?
  2. taffee50

    Old hen laid first time in a year. Now butt bleeding.

    My old Americauna hen stopped laying a year ago. No problem. She is a pet. Today she laid a beautiful green egg again, but it was bloody along with her butt. I cleaned her butt. Husband went to see her an hour later and she was fine. I'm thinking she may have been egg bound or prolapsed. She's...
  3. taffee50

    Buff Orpington hen brooding

    Hens are broody for about 3 weeks. Just make sure you give them enough food and water. Broody is normal for hens, some more than others
  4. taffee50

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    A normal chicken is 6 months old before they start laying you don't need a fake egg
  5. taffee50

    She just stopped laying...HELP

    She gave eggs for a while before broodiness. Her comb is red.
  6. taffee50

    She just stopped laying...HELP

    I mean lays every day... stupid autocorrect on speak text:(
  7. taffee50

    She just stopped laying...HELP

    Thank you for help she is still not laying and our pullets have started laying they are not kids anymore I guess this one will just be decorative until she gets out of her funk. she is acting like a normal chicken just not laying. On the upside we refer to our Americauna as old faithful because...
  8. taffee50

    She just stopped laying...HELP

    One of my girls (breed unk) was broody two nonths ago. A month later, she came out of it. She has also stopped laying eggs completely. We have 5 and she is the only one who wont lay. Its hot out, but they have fans on the coop. Whats up with her? The only reason she isnt bbq is I just dont have...
  9. taffee50

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    giving my chickens oyster shell helped quite a bit as far as shell consistency. cheese and greens are good for calcium. for the ones who are not laying at all they are probably broody. they will not lay for a month they want to be mothers but at this time they cannot lay eggs ironic
  10. taffee50

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    My broody silkie has started a new movement. We were getting three eggs a day one from her one from my Easter Egger and one from a chicken who just started laying. My silkie is one week away from not being broody anymore. However my two orps sit near her by the nesting boxes and the one who just...
  11. taffee50

    For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

    I thought my silky was broody so I stuck her butt in cool water twice today and it didn't work I noticed one of her wings felt kind of dry and there are some feathers in the coop she sits in a nesting box all day with no eggs she has stopped producing am I correct in rethinking this that she is...
  12. taffee50

    beige eggs

    My Silkie is very broody past few days. I take other hens eggs away from her quickly and she comes down to eat and drink. Soaking her butt and putting her in a crate seem cruel. I can't let her loose. We have hawks. Help pleeeeese.
  13. taffee50

    beige eggs

    I meant thank you for advice stupid autocorrect
  14. taffee50

    beige eggs

    thank you everyone for a nice time my big beautiful bird I think she is an Easter Egger green eggs everyday and is even bigger now than the picture
  15. taffee50

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you. she seems to be ok she likes me to hold her and talk to her. I will just let her sit in the nest box she does come down occasionally mainly for scratch
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