Recent content by TheDuckieLover

  1. TheDuckieLover

    Duck food bowl

    Hi all!! I've recently had problems with my ducks' food bowl always attracting flies. The other day I went to empty it and found the bottom riddled with maggots 🤢. This is the first time that has happened, so that in particular isn't an ongoing problem, but I'm not anxious for it to happen...
  2. TheDuckieLover

    Duck hutch floor

    Hi there!! I've had my two ducks for 2.5 years and one problem I have ALWAYS had is the floor of their hutch. In summer, the ducks' waste attracts a lot of flies and does not smell great. The hutch itself is 1/3 sheltered, floored and walled and the other 2/3 has chicken wire on walls and roof...
  3. TheDuckieLover

    Female Mallard Escaping

    Ok, thanks for the advice!
  4. TheDuckieLover

    Female Mallard Escaping

    I can still see the straight edge of her wings from where we clipped them, so I'm guessing not. . . She still has enough ability to flap and land from my arms or to get over a short (approximately 40cm) fence; we should probably just get a higher fence. It's spring time in New Zealand and she's...
  5. TheDuckieLover

    Female Mallard Escaping

    We clipped her wings earlier this year and that stopped her from circling our house, but she can still fly over something lower than a meter. Lets just say our fencing situation could use some work . . .
  6. TheDuckieLover

    Female Mallard Escaping

    Hey :) I've been having some trouble lately with my duck escaping. My Female Mallard (Jessica age 11 months) has been flying over the fence more times in the past 2 days than in the past month. She flew over 4 times on Monday (3/10/2022) and on one of those occasions, she went across the road...
  7. TheDuckieLover

    Droopy Duck

    I can't seem to drop in an image - but as for being injured, I don't think that would be the case because there was no blood or anything on her and when I held her and gently pressed her wing, she didn't seem to be more bothered than she usually would.
  8. TheDuckieLover

    Droopy Duck

    Hi all :) About a week ago I noticed that one of my ducks (Hazel: Female Khaki Campbell aged 8 months) was off her food, being REALY quiet, not moving much and looking wonky. It was as though one of her wings had slipped so that it wasn't tucked into a lower layer of feathers. Besides...
  9. TheDuckieLover

    New Member

    Hi and welcome to BYC! I also raised an abandoned duckling - it's a pretty amazing experience!
  10. TheDuckieLover

    Why isn't my Mallard duck laying?

    Ok, thanks :)
  11. TheDuckieLover

    Why isn't my Mallard duck laying?

    Hi all :D I'm a bit confused. My 7 month old, female mallard has stopped laying. She layed her first egg on 16/5/2022 and her second on 19/5/2022 but after that I have seen no more blue-green eggs in her coop in the morning, or anywhere else in her enclosure. Please help. Thanks. :)
  12. TheDuckieLover


    Thanks! :)
  13. TheDuckieLover


    Hey! :D Here's a quick intro to my experience with our feathered friends: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I don't have any chickens BUT October last year I rescued an abandoned, 1-day-old duckling. 2 months later, I realised that Jessica (the for-said duckling)...
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