Recent content by ThePinksters

  1. T

    Extreme Feather plucking

    Thank you!! Here are a couple of closer photos of his tail. He is preening himself this morning too. I pulled another KC from the mix after watching his go after the Rouin duckling. I will keep a close eye and see if any others are doing this. I’m a little worried about the two KC who are...
  2. T

    Extreme Feather plucking

    He’s not eating the feathers that we saw. They were all floating in the pool. I’m not sure what a preen glad is, so I’m not sure. He’s doing better this morning and his skin is much calmer and not so red. He’s eating and drinking fine. We separated the suspect after seeing him go after a couple...
  3. T

    Extreme Feather plucking

    We have 3 pekin and 4 Kahki Campbells all about 6/7 weeks old. We are still not 100% sure if they’re sexes, but voices are beginning to give them away. This evening, my husband noticed one of the KC picking on one of the Pekins, with a few missing feathers. This was only happening in the pool…...
  4. T

    Lethargic Cornish meat birds. Purple comb, dying.

    These are also the smaller ones of the flock...they all started out the same size, but these smaller ones are the ones having problems. I have three that aren’t doing well today, and I’m guessing they’ll die at some point tonight. Just wondering if I need to quarantine or get the others away...
  5. T

    Lethargic Cornish meat birds. Purple comb, dying.

    Hello! I have lost 4 Cornish cross in the last 3 days. They are 5 weeks old, outside in tractor. Water, move and feed every day. 24/7 food. In Michigan where temps are fluctuating right now. Removed heat a weeks ago. found two dead 3 days ago, another the following day and another this morning...
  6. T

    Injured rooster

    That’s wonderful advice. Thank you so much! I’ve been scouring the run and coop looking for something that got in, but nothing. I did see one hen peck at him. I will clean it out tonight and pick up some blue food coloring. Thanks so much!
  7. T

    Injured rooster

    We have 7 hens and one Polish Roo who are all right around 4/5 months old. We’ve been gone on vacation for 10 days and have had a tender stopping by every other day to check on them. We returned home today to find an injury on our Roo. It’s at the base of his tail feathers and the hens are...
  8. T

    Keeping uncovered outdoor run clean

    I’m in southwest Michigan. It’s been in the 80s the last week or so. The run is covered, so only gets wet when it rains hard and then only about 6-8” in on the sides. I still clean up poop from the sides of the run, so it either dissolves into the dirt below or remains there and dries out. The...
  9. T

    Keeping uncovered outdoor run clean

    We have construction sand in our run and LOVE it. I clean it out once a week, we have 8 hens and there is little to no smell, and scoops up with a kitty litter scoop in 15 minutes. Drains really well and quickly, and the birds love to bathe in it as well. Also provides grit. Best decision ever!
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