Recent content by Twinsnchickens

  1. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    My hatch is all done. Out of all my eggs only one little bugger actually hatched on Halloween and she is the littlest of them all. At first they tried to bully her, but now she is the little bully. Out of 14 eggs donated from someone local, 10 hatched. Sadly 15 were donated, but hubby crushed...
  2. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    I had one hatch this morning. Only one to actually hatch on Halloween :barnie The last of the fridge eggs, from my old silkie who actually has dark skin. That leaves just one egg, in the bator.
  3. Twinsnchickens

    Power outage and eggs on day 3

    I had a broody on eggs. She was on them a little more than 2 Days. Dog came and attacked her. I bought an incubator 4 Days later, and put 2 of the only undamaged ones in. Both developed just fine, one hatched. So it’s possible
  4. Twinsnchickens

    Silkie brooding 11 eggs

    I would, if I were you, wait a few days, candle them, and the promising ones keep under her. Any blood ring or duds toss out
  5. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    Just found two that are pretty much motionless and probably dead. One was zipping, but when I checked, realized it is backwards. Never poked into air cell because it was opposite. Another never zipped, also positioned wrong. So sad, but that’s nature I guess One more black silkie hatched and is...
  6. Twinsnchickens

    Bantam Egg

    If you want the air cell to grow you need less humidity. I live in SoCal near the coast and the humidity in my incubator is around 35-40 dry. So I’ve only added water during lockdown at day 18 and onward.
  7. Twinsnchickens

    Bantam Egg

    What was your humidity during incubation? Is your incubator still air or circulated?
  8. Twinsnchickens

    Time from internal to external pip? When to candle again? Maybe take a look through that article. It talks about making a safety hole as well.
  9. Twinsnchickens

    Time from internal to external pip? When to candle again?

    I made a safety hole for a couple of my internal pippers after 24 hours or so. If you just make sure to make a tiny hole at top center air cell. Away from their beak. They should be fine with oxeygen to do the rest on their own.
  10. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    So far 10 have hatched. 8 in the brooder, and two playing soccer in the bator. I’m a little confuzzled now too because one of the chicks from my white silkie hen and white silkie rooster hatched. Parents both have black skin and baby has pink skin. Wondering if little hen wasn’t so faithful :lau
  11. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    Take good care of yourself, and heal up. My mother is the same way and will find the need to do things she shouldn’t be doing anymore. So here I am today with chicks hatching, two 1 year olds, and also watching my mom who has done too much this last week, is injured and sick to boot.
  12. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    Good to know for next time :thumbsup So of the 13 eggs left, 12 have pip’ed completely, but one little bugger pip’ed on the side of the egg, not in the air cell. I made an air hole on the large end to help him out and see what’s going on. He is alive and chirping loud! Louder than the rest...
  13. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    Temp? I thought we kept the temp the same?? Another egg pip’ed this morning and hatched on its own within 3 hours
  14. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    It hatched! It had some green and white blob of goo stuck to its bottom. I’m assuming it was poo. It’s belly is all closed up and it looks good. I’m just doubting it’s a silkie. I ordered it from a breeder who only has, supposedly, paint silkies, but this chick is all pink. Oh well it’s a cutie...
  15. Twinsnchickens

    Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

    So chick turned around and now has beak, small end and butt sticking out big, air cell end. Will she be okay like that?
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