Recent content by Whovian

  1. Whovian

    Not laying yet even though it's spring??

    Mine are not laying either. Production went up briefly when the days started to get longer, but then fell off. of the 10 hens I have I am only getting maybe 1 egg a day - sometimes zero. I would love to know why!
  2. Whovian

    When will they lay?????

    My buffs were about 25 weeks. It was agony waiting! The crowns get redder right before laying begins. Mine never did the squatting thing.
  3. Whovian

    Roo or pullet? Ameraucana?

    Don't know but very pretty!
  4. Whovian

    How To Get Rid Of A Rooster?

    I am trying to re-home 2 roosters that we don't need. It's not easy! Best of luck!
  5. Whovian

    What breeds are friendliest?

    Buff Orpingtons are super friendly and sweet. We also have three Ameraucanas that are super sweet.
  6. Whovian

    Buff Orpington Egg Color

    We have two buffs that just started laying and they lay darker brown eggs than our Wyandottes. I guess every chicken is different with varying shades.
  7. Whovian

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    Here's my beauty"Stretch." Unfortunately, we are trying to re-home him since we don't need a rooster.
  8. Whovian

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    This is my Olive Egger Roo "Popeye." Unfortunately we are trying to re-home him as we don't need a rooster. The picture doesn't do him justice. His feathers are all green shimmery.
  9. Whovian

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I love this! What a great coop!
  10. Whovian


    I think I have some leftover grower feed to give them. I just wasn't sure if the snacks were enough protein. And, oddly, none of my chickens will touch the oyster shell. Maybe they just don't need it?
  11. Whovian


    My three Americaunas stopped laying a couple of weeks ago due to molt. Is grower feed more protein than layer? I give them black oil sunflower seeds as treats and meal worms and they free-range for a little bit every day, bu I think they may need a change in feed for the molt.
  12. Whovian

    Showing a little love to

    We wound up moving the roosting bars above the nesting boxes, going in the opposite direction. They wouldn't use the roosts when they were low. They love them higher up now. Where do you all keep the food and water. I hate that there is no good place to hang the water and food.
  13. Whovian

    2 Rooster Dilemma

    I got 3 French Black Copper Maran chicks this past February. Two of them turned out to be roos. I only have 6 hens in the flock. So far, they have been relatively friendly to each other. Should I re-home one now, or wait to see how they get along?
  14. Whovian

    Highs 60 Lows 45, When to move 5 week old chicks outside to the coop?

    I am wondering the same. It was later in the Spring last year when we got our first chickens. I have 3 Black Copper Maran chicks that are just over 6 weeks old. They are really getting too big for the brooder, but I'm concerned that 40-45 degrees at night is too cold for them. There is no...
  15. Whovian

    Bully chickens plucking other hens feathers out

    They get to free range every day and we are good about giving them boredom busters. I am thinking that a rooster might be a good idea and help get them in line.
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