Recent content by wvcooper

  1. wvcooper

    Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

    Yes, I got all the Saipans from Purely Poultry. They all looked the same at first, I have to say after having them for a couple of months 3 of them were runty. One did not make it. I did get what I was looking for though. Three males that look really healthy, and three females that look healthy...
  2. wvcooper

    Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

    My hatchery Saipans are nice, and nice to the new ones I got. By nice I mean they don't rip the feathers out of their heads, like the red sexlink I have. Aka "boss lady". Some did challenge me at first. I would just grab them and pick them up and talk nice to them.There is nothing scary about a...
  3. wvcooper

    Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

    Thank you, They are great pets, fun to watch. No bugs, lizards or field mice around our house. I have no doubt they're not the real deal, but they earn they're keep. I have Six red sexlinks that make up for the low egg production, also have 8 more 4 weeks old. Hope to get a good rooster out of...
  4. wvcooper

    Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

    My Saipan ladies from Purely Poultry. 10 months old. These are the chicks in the earlier post. They free range, get a lot of deep woods time and are good at avoiding predators. Top picture they chased away some deer from a feeder. I'm looking for a rooster for for them. two of them started...
  5. wvcooper

    Saipan Jungle Fowl Thread

    I did see a one small photo of a pair in this thread, were there more? Hopefully, he will get to the point where he will sell some of his birds. Seems like he has had much experience, and the will to produce a bird that will look like a Saipan. Thank you for the reply, wvcooper
  6. wvcooper

    Saipan Jungle Fowl Thread

    I love the thought of someday getting a hold of true Saipans, but I not going to hold my breath. I got some from Purely Poultry last year. I promised in another thread to keep a detailed record of them. I had the wind knocked out of me when I found out how wild and wonderful WV can be. Turns...
  7. wvcooper

    Saipan Jungle Fowl Thread

    I love the thought of someday getting a hold of true Saipans, but I not going to hold my breath. I got some from Purely Poultry last year. I promised in another thread to keep a detailed record of them. I had the wind knocked out of me when I found out how wild and wonderful WV can be. Turns...
  8. wvcooper

    anyone ever order from Purely Poultry?

    Great people, I have ordered twice from them. Chicks were very healthy, all were alive. Best of all they pick up the phone if you have questions or need to talk to a person. Two thumbs up!
  9. wvcooper

    Saipans from hatcherys.

    Here they are now, Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the pics. My Neighbors dog got 5 of them. Two of them were potentially the best two males. Kind of took the steam out of the project. I really like the 6 I have left. They are fun birds for my Kids and I to start out with. As you can see...
  10. wvcooper

    Saipans from hatcherys.

    Just got these guys ( Siapan's ) from purely poultry.
  11. wvcooper

    Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

    Hi, Finally got them. I received 11 instead of 15. I was refunded the difference immediately. All were very healthy and alert and continue to be that way. Maybe its just wishful thinking, but they are much more wild acting than the chicks I got at TSC. They move and act as a group. Not afraid...
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